Harry set the tea down before he burned himself spilling it, and looked at Malfoy.

"I'm surprised you didn't," he waved vaguely at Malfoy's face and Malfoy shrugged, getting Harry's meaning at once.

"I don't know if the general public could think worse of me at this point, anyway," Malfoy said casually. "I didn't see the point of glamours or transfiguration."

Harry nodded, seeing Malfoy's reasoning, but still, it was very gutsy.

"How Gryffindor of you," Harry muttered.

Malfoy smirked. And then frowned, eyes dragging across Harry's face even more intently.

"You look about the same age as me," he said. "How come I don't know you? Which house were you in?"

Harry felt the blood leave his face.


"I didn't go to Hogwarts," he said and picked up the tea again, taking a long sip to buy him some time to think of something. "We lived abroad for my dad's work. I went to Durmstrang."

Malfoy nodded thoughtfully and for a split second Harry was sure Malfoy was going to surprise him again by speaking to him in Bulgarian but the other wizard just took a sip of his tea and nodded thoughtfully.

"What's your name?" he suddenly asked.

"Harry Potter," Harry said without thinking.

Malfoy raised a brow.

"You're committed to your role," he said.

Harry blushed.

"Er, you said it would be discreet."

Malfoy nodded and looked away.

"It suits me anyway," he admitted.

The situation was weird to say the very least. Never would Harry have thought that Malfoy would want him for anything other than a punching bag. But seeing him like this, open and off guard because, Harry assumed, he thought the real Harry wasn't there...

Was his behaviour with Harry all their years at Hogwarts only a front? But no, that wasn't possible. Malfoy had hated him even more than Harry had hated him back.

"Why?" Harry asked, drawing Malfoy's gaze to him. "Why Harry Potter?"

A small smile touched Malfoy's lips, bitterness in every angle.

"I just thought I should try to get this out of my system," he said and the bitter smile grew. "This thing with Potter, well... it's not doing me any favours."

"Thing?" Harry repeated and then in a small, uncertain voice said, "crush?"

"Crush," Malfoy shrugged. "Obsession... love..."

Malfoy looked away, bitterness vanishing and leaving the blond looking small and lost, sitting across from Harry.

"I don't know what it is," he said. "And since there's no way of really finding out, I thought, one time, I could take this and then maybe I can move on."

Harry's heart skidded into his chest. Somewhere around the word love, he'd lost all ability to speak or breathe so he just sat still and watched Malfoy closely, feeling like he had never seen him at all before today.

"So," Malfoy said after a moment. He leaned across the arm of his chair, placing a pointed chin in his hand and arching a gaze at Harry.

"Do you like what I wave to offer?"

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