people change ( fudou akio x reader )

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People change,
At least that's what I used to think
Now however I'm not
Entirely sure

"Akio!!! " A (h/c) haired girl screamed, her eyes turning into slits.

She was pissed, not that this was surprising, she had heard him say things, things she didn't understand the reason he had said them.

She stormed down the hallway of Raimon, the souls of her shoes echoing throughout the hall.

She slammed open the door to his room, her eyes looked like they had flames in them.

He looked up from what he was doing, his eyes slightly wide " What?!" He shouted, obviously shocked.

Her glare became even deadlier "What?! What?! I'll tell you what you idjit, why the hell are you always insulting me, pushing me down, making me feel like I'm never good enough for you?! "

He stood up, walking over to her like a predator would to its prey " Why? Because you annoy me (y/n). Everything you say, everything you do, makes me hate you more each time. But the thing that annoys me the most?! The fact that no matter how much I want to or how hard I try, I can't hate you!!"

(Y/n) stood there frozen, she didn't know what to say, how to react to the boys sudden outburst, she wiped a tear from her face with the back of her hand " Glad thats how I make you feel..." She started, turning around " feeling's mutual" then with no further words, she walked out, her figure shaking slightly.

He just slammed his door shut and flopped back onto his bed.

{ 10 years later }

The same (h/c) girl walked onto the football field of Teikoku Gakuen, her (f/c) converse make a strange noise on the grass.

The team looked at her " Who the hell are you? " they demanded.

" Your coach for a week, because apparently your usual coach has something so important to do, that your school has to hire me " she growled at them, her mood obvious, she as usual was pissed off.

The team looked at her " And who exactly are you?"

" The names (y/n) (l/n). Coach (l/n) to you. You little worms, now I will throw this at you and you will start training " she stated, throwing a clipboard at the closest member.

" This isn't what Coach Fudou usually has us do" one of the boys informed her.

She froze on the spot 'Fudou?', she turned to face the boy, her eyes very small, and very deadly " Well honey in case you hadn't noticed, I'm not Fudou, so you will practice like this as long as I am coach, and if you don't, I will somehow, persuade the principal to replace. Every. Single. One. Of. You. Little. Brats " she said, putting emphasis on every word " Now get your asses training!"

The team did what she said, and she grinned in satisfaction.

She sat on the bench, crossing her legs and slowly growing scared of her own thoughts.

{ A week later }

"Practice over!" (y/n) called, a genuine smile on her face, the team grabbed their stuff, waving at her before walking into the hallway that lead to the locker room.

As soon as they had left, her smile fell " Akio. " she growled turning around, staring into the eyes of the boy she loathed with all her might, yet didn't at the same time.

"(y/n)." Fudou growled back, staring back into the (e/c) eyes, of the girl he wished he could hate.

" You trained my team differently " he said, seeming a little, deflated.

She grinned smugly " Indeed I did. And they won, all, of their matches, all of them"

He rolled his eyes, he then looked at her as she started walking past him " Now if you'll excuse me..."

Fudou grabbed her wrist, bringing her against his chest, wraping his arms around her small figure.

" Fudou??" She asked, obviously in some state of shock, he buried his face into her hair " I'm sorry..." He mumbled

"For what?" She asked oblivious " for everything. " he eventually replied.

Slowly raising her head, attempting not to headbutt him, she grabbed his face gently with her hands " I forgive you"

Then much to his surprise, she hesitantly placed her lips on his, for a moment he didn't do anything, then slowly replied, kissing her back, his hands falling to her waist and her hands finding their way around his neck.

They pulled away, the need to breath parting them, he placed his forehead against hers, " I think I may love you (l/n)"

"I think I may love you too Akio"

I guess I was wrong,
Sooner or later
People do


( A/N

Finally an update!! I am working on your requests! I promise )

INAZUMA ELEVEN [ EDITING ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora