Gouenji Shuuya x OC

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I couldn't resist that photo XD

This wass requested by mallorydiangelo

Hope you enjoy Nee-san

A dream come true

<< In a dream >>

'It's this dream again' Thought Akira. It was pitch black she could see nothing just darkness.........................until what looked like fire appeared............................'Fire??' "Come with me......." Said a mysterious voice ' Who are you??' The girl asked " I a-"

<< Reality >>

" Akira-Nee your going to be late!!" yelled Toramaru. Akira shot out of bed pushed her brother out of the room and started getting ready.................." Ok i'm done!!" she ran out of the door dragging Toramaru with her....

<< Time Skip to after school >>

" And that's another boring school day....." Akira said to herself " Where does Toramaru go all of a sudden saying it's urgent..??" She asked. Then she heard a familiar voice and the sound of a ball being kicked.........." Toramaru??" She ran to where the noise came from and sure enough.............Toramaru was there playing Sakka. " TORAMARU!!" Said boy looked up " A-akira-nee??!!" She ran down......." Why didn't you tell me you played sa-" She looked and before she could finish she was hugged by a spiky haired figure....." EH?!?!?" She shouted "Akira......." Said the spiky haired figure............" Gouenji?!?!" Shouted Akira.......

<< Time Skip to night time >>

" Good-night Toramaru~~" But he was already asleep. she went to her room opened her door..but before she could walk in she was kissed on the lips by someone...the figure ran..." Gouenji??" She knew it was him because of the hair..." Bakka..............you kept me waiting...."


Hope you enjoyed it Nee-san~~

Bye-Bye Baby Phoenixes


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