Fuduo Akio x OC

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Hi,it's a me Phoenix anyway this is my first one shot of the series using my OC for inazuma eleven i chose Fuduo Akio.

Fuduo:You called?

Phoenix:KYAAA it's Fuduo * faints*

Fuduo:ok then

let's begin

( the cringe level in this omg  )


Hi i'm Snow Kiyama sister of the one the only Hiroto Kiyama I was part of The Genesis my alien name was Destiny.But now i'm part of Inazuma Japan i am the only girl allowed in the FFI i know right *cough* I am part Italian part japanese  I have a crush on someone in my team.Oh and my best friend is Nagumo Haruya aka tulip head.

Snow's POV

I was walking to practice when i bumped in to someone:" Watch where you are going.Baka." I knew that voice anywhere it was none other than Fuduo Akio."Maybe if you weren't a banana eating idiot you would have seen me." I said trying to stop myself from laughing " What did you say!?!?!" "I said i'm late for practice.Bye banana brain." and with that I ran let me tell you fuduo hates me but I don't hate him let's just say that crush i was talking about was well.......Fuduo Akio.Yea I know I fell for the most arrogant,idiotic,banana eating mohawk headed soccer player there is.

"Buongiorno minna." I got 'hey' 'yo' 'hi' from everyone and a "You are late" from my brother " I got side tracked" "What this time?" he asked " Banana eating Fuduo." "Oh" then he wincked at me yes he knows who I like hello he is my brother.Then suddenly "BOO!" "KYAAA!!!" " Fuduo you baka." I said panting."Payback."

<<Time Skip >>

I was going to the changing room but before I opened the door I heard Endou say." You like Snow don't you." I blushed bright red.He answered :" HA her hell no I would prefer to go out with an old dog than with her, she can't play ,she is annoying as all hell and she is an Alien. So why would I like her?"

I walked in went straight past him crying and  i saw Nii-san punch him really hard.I once again went staight past him and said to coach "I quit." he asked me why i said" This isn't my family anymore people change and so does my family were ever that is." he nodded and I left. Hiroto came running and asked:"Where are you going?" "To see tio and tia." he let me go and hugged and told me he would see me again.And with that I left for Italy the place I was born.

<< Time Skip in Italy >>

"Tio,Tia i'm home!"

Warning next part italian i will translate at the end pls don't kill me

"Bellisimma ciao come stai?"

"Bene.E tu Tia?"

"Dimmi perche stai qui?"

"Un amico mi ha rotto il cuore con le sue parole non sapeva que stavo li pero perche ha detto quelle parole non lo so."

"Le lo ai perche lo a detto?"

"No pero..."

"Non voglio ningun' pero vai a giapone e quiedili perche."

"Va bene vado vado.Ciao Tia ti amo."

"E tu."

No more Italian

"One ticket to Japan pls i'm in a hurry."

"I am so sorry Miss but the plain is full..." " I can take you." I turned around and my childhood friend Fidio Aldena."Grazie Fidio grazie."

<< Time Skip cuz I can >> Fuduo's POV

"Fuduo Akio" "huh" I said as I turned around my eyes widened in shock."Why did you say those words?" "Because yhey wouldn't leave me alone other wise.Please forgive Snow I love you."Withou waiting for an answer i pecked her on the lips real quick." I love you too:" She answered and grabbed my collar and kissed me again it lasted until we heard a click we turned and saw a pissed off Hiroto,a confused Endou,a fainted Haruna and a fangirling Aki.We ran for it.


Ps: Translation tell me what are you doing here. a friend broke my heart with his words he didn't know i was there but still why would he say that? Have you asked him why he said that No buuut...No buts misses now go back to japan and ask him.

Bye-Bye baby phoenixes.

INAZUMA ELEVEN [ EDITING ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant