Light of an Angel

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(Had to add that GIF for this one😭😍)

"Tell em I went lookin for water."

Daryl gruffs before walking off through the woods, the dark wood and deep green leaves surrounding him.

Coming across as small clearing that leads to a road, Daryl pushes past and walks along it. Seeing in the near distance a small shed like barn.

Staring at it he slings his crossbow back over his shoulder and sits against one of the large trees.

Digging into his pocket he brings out three bent and worn -- yet still usable -- cigarettes and a metal lighter.

Taking one of them and sticking it between his chapped lips he lights the stick, smoke instantly filling his lungs. Letting it out in a large puff.

Leaning his head back against the bark, she floods his mind. The image of her bleeding out in his arms, the feeling of her life leaving her body. And the words she last spoke echoing in his ears.

It had been days, maybe almost a week and he hadnt been able to process it. Think of it in any sort of way that didn't break him down.

Taking the cigarette out of his mouth, he holds it between his fingers. Bringing it down towards his left hand, he sets it there. Allowing for the lit cigarette to burn into his skin.

Throwing it onto the ground he looks over the mark, running his finger gently over the burn.

That's when he breaks.

The tears he's held in for too long flood in his eyes and overflow out the sides. Low sobs escape his lips as his body shakes.

His head hanging low as he goes through the motions, the feelings he tried to shove away. To make disappear, reappearing now and overtaking him.

A soft breeze drifts through the branches, as he looks up slowly. His eyes more red than normal as the tears still have control of him.

His chin feels like it's being lifted for him as if he's doing none of the work. And as his head rises, instead of just seeing the surrounding nature and barn up ahead he sees her.

Crouching in front of him, her soft and gentle hand holding his head. Bringing it up so he can look at her.

She's clothed in a pale white dress. One the flows down her body, till it ends at her bare feet. The feet that are barely touched by the dirt ground beneath her.

"Shh my love," she whispers. Her voice making his heart break all over again. "don't cry."

She was the only one who could truly talk to him, make him see things he'd otherwise be blind to.

"Dry your tears." Her fingers wipe away the tears dripping down the sides of his face. Staining his cheeks.

"You ain't here." Muttering he grunts, knowing this is all some heartbroken hallucination.

"Daryl," she breathes as her long hair blows along with the breeze. "look at me. I am."

"You ain't," Daryl cries, vulnerability over taking the normally strong man. "watched ye die. Buried ye body, watch ye leave me."

She laughs, her laugh the same as it was. Light and lively.

"Daryl sweetheart," she tilts her head looking at the man. "this is one of those times when you are wrong my dear. I didn't leave you, I'm right here."

"I'm always right here."

Sniffing, Daryl runs his grimy large hands over her clean smaller ones.

"Why tha hell'd you die on me?" he asks her, anger filling his voice.

"So that you could go on."

He didn't understand her words, but somehow his heart felt warm at them.

"You have to go now my love." Looking deep into the eyes he loved, he wanted to believe somehow that she didn't have to leave. That he didn't have to leave.

"There ain't nothin out there no more, and without 'cha here i--"

Her finger lays softly against his lips, the ones she'd find herself kissing every morning. "Don't say that."

"There are still places out there, closer than you know. People out there that need saving that need you."

Pressing her lips against his forehead after pushing his long locks of sweat coated hair out of the way. She whispers to him, "don't give up on that part of you. That part of you Daryl that I fell in love with."

He looked up as the feel of her lips disappeared to see that she was gone as well.

Standing up he looks down the road one last time, expecting to see her standing down at the end. But realizes that this was the last time he'd see her the way he did.

Comforting him one last time, in the moment he needed her most.

A/N: I absolutely love this one, and have to say I cried writing this.

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