Chapter 18: No Protests

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Cecelia prepared a bagel and cream cheese and poured herself a cup of the coffee. She sat at the table just as Sean entered the kitchen and grabbed the box of Honey Nut Cheerios he ate every morning. When he glanced at her, he must have read something in her face that said, "Don't even go there." Silently, he sat across from her and poured milk in his cereal.

Mac entered the room and headed toward the coffee pot. He grabbed a large mug from the open shelving and poured it to the brim. Sean lifted his bowl of cereal and said, "I need to get my backpack," and left the room.

Cecelia and Mac spoke at the same time. She said, "I should let you know..."

He said, "I want to..."

They looked at each other and he said, "You first."

Cecelia set her cup on the table and circled the rim with her finger. "I just wanted to let you know I'll be leaving in January, when Sean leaves. Of course, I'll always be available if you need me to grocery shop or help with anything." She tapped her fingernail against her cup.

Mac said, "I appreciate that." He sighed. "I just want to apologize again for last night."

Against her better judgment, Cecelia glanced up. When their eyes met, electricity sparked between them. At least it sparked for her; she couldn't speak for him. She said, "I'd like to believe we've become good friends over the past weeks–"

He interrupted. "We have."

She smiled slightly, "So, let's not read more into last night than two lonely people in unusual circumstances. I'd hate to lose your friendship."

"That will never happen."

There was a long silence while they both sipped their coffee.

Cecelia spoke first. "So, here's what I was thinking." When Mac turned an intent gaze on her, she almost lost her train of thought. "Um, you know Sean has been helping out at the coffee shop and I've been paying him under the table."

Mac nodded.

"Anyway, I checked with city regulations and he's old enough to work a regular job if he gets a work permit." Mac lifted an eyebrow and Cecelia hastened on. "He really shows an interest in being a barista. If he were to get a permit I could hire him, and Justin could train him to make all the drinks. That way, when he returns home, he'll have skills for working at a coffee shop if he wants to earn extra money while going to school."

Mac took another sip of his coffee and Cecelia held her breath. He said, "I think that's an excellent idea. Have you talked to him about it?"

"Not yet. I wanted to run it by you first."

Sean reentered the room and took his cereal bowl to the sink. He glanced curiously at his father and Cecelia. Mac said, "Have a seat, son."

Cecelia saw the boy's eyes widen at his father's address of "son." Without his usual cockiness, he sat in the chair next to Cecelia.

Mac said, "Since you're going to be here until January, Cecelia came up with something to keep you occupied until you leave."

Sean glanced at Cecelia.

After a quick look at Mac, she outlined what she had just told him. She finished with, "Of course, you'll still have to keep up your school work via the internet. But Christmas vacation should give you a reprieve." She expected Sean to protest—he protested about everything—so when he shrugged and said, "Okay," she was shocked. What? No smart-ass remark?

Cecelia moved her gaze to Mac's and registered the look of surprise on his face, too.

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