-" I don't know. We were talking and she almost passed out. She said that she's dizzy...." I explained. The guy's eyes widened and he ran to hold her.

-" There's blood in her shorts. We need to go to the hospital now." He screamed. I looked down and saw that the front part of her shorts were turned red from blood and it was running down her legs.

-" It's nothing. She's having her period." I said. All she needed to do was clean herself and put on some pads. Guys. *Shake my head*

-" No. She's pregnant." The guy exclaimed. What??? Gabriela is pregnant? I thought she was sterile. Oh my gosh! We really needed to go to the hospital now. She's having a miscarriage.

-" I fell on the stairs when I was running to find a jacket to wear so she wouldn't see my belly. Carlos, I don't wanna lose that child. Please." Gaby cried on his chest.

-" We're going to the hospital. You're not going to lose the baby. I promise." He said. Promise was a huge word. I didn't want her to lose the baby because she might being carrying my son's little hero.

-" I'll follow you guys." I said. I hopped in my car and trying to drive as fast as the guy.

***  Cashmere's POV ***

The guys and I met again but this time it was at Lucky's place. I didn't want to stay in Atlanta any longer. I had to finish one time for good with Mike and all the Ghost Shadows members so I can go back to Dallas to my people. I couldn't stand seeing Gabriela every single days at school and not talk to her. If looks could kill, I would be dead by now. She was no sweet angel like before. I knew that she hated me. There's only so much a guy could take. I was going to take those niggas on a trap. They'll curse the day that their mothers brought them into this world. I presented the plan to my guys. They agreed to be a part of it.

-" I have to take that phone in private." Lucky said and walked out of the room.

-" Am-I the only one suspecting that dude?" Jizzy asked. That guy had suspicions on every damn soul.

-" He looks cool to me." Jeffrey said. That was trust. I gave him as my best friend, brother-in-law to never trust no one. I told him not to even trust me that been by his side since we were toddlers. He failed many times.

-" What are-your suspicions?" I asked. It was never a crime to get more informations.

-" He doesn't answer phone calls in front of us now. I think he's hiding something." Jizzy said.

-" It might be Naomi calling him. He wouldn't want Cash to hear their conversation. It's already a big thing to be friend with the guy who smashed your girl." Jeffrey said. He had a point. Not until my phone rang and it was Naomi. Who was Lucky talking to then? I hesitated before answering her call. Maybe, something is wrong with my son.

-" Hello? Is-everything okay with Andy?" I asked.

-" Andrew is fine. The one who is not okay is Gabriela." She said. I jumped on my feet.

-" What's wrong with Gaby?" I asked with worries.

-" I just found out that she's pregnant. We're running to the hospital now because she's bleeding. I think she's a miscarriage." Naomi said. My heart stopped beating. Gaby is pregnant. Why didn't she tell me? Oh my gosh! I'm going to be a Dad again. That's a miracle. Wait! Naomi said that she's bleeding. I needed to go to the hospital now. I asked Naomi what hospital she was in and ran out without even saying a word to the guys. I didn't have time to. I just hoped everything is okay with her.

I got to the hospital in like ten minutes. Of course I didn't follow speed limits. I just hoped I didn't find a dog trying to cross the road or a police car. Naomi got on her feet once she saw me. They told me what room Gaby was in. It wasn't difficult for me to find it. I stopped before entering inside. I was scared.

-" Oh my gosh!" I heard an unfamiliar voice said. I was nervous.

-" What is-it doctor? What's wrong with my child?" I heard Gaby asked. She might be really worried. Maybe, I should wait a little more. I didn't want to agitate her more.

-" No, the baby is fine. I'm just surprise that I can already see the sex of your baby. Do you wanna know?" She asked. Both Gaby and I sighed.

-" Of course, I wanna know." She said.

-" I can see a little penis. Right there. You guys are having a boy." She said. I jumped in happiness. I was having another champion. Wait, did-she say guys? What does-she mean by that? I pushed the door opened and walked in.

-" Actually, he's...." Gaby stopped talking when she saw me and her mouth stayed open. I looked down at that belly then at her shocking face impression. That guy stood by the head of bed. He didn't say a word.

-" What is-that guy doing here?" I asked with a serious tone.

-" The question is what are-you doing here? Oh! I know. Naomi had to open her big mouth." Gaby said.

-" I'm glad she did your work for you. When were-you going to tell me that you're carrying my damn baby? My son?" I asked. She looked at her tummy then at me.

-" I better leave you guys alone for a while." The doctor said.

-" Please stay, Doc. He's the one leaving. He doesn't have any reasons whatsoever to be here." Then she turned her head to stare at me. She added: " It's not your baby. It's mine."

-" And mine." The guy next to her finally opened his mouth to say some bullshit. His baby? He wished.

-" Carlos..." Gaby began but he interrupted her.

-" It's okay, mi amor. He would've find out sooner or later." He said to her. Then to me: " Can you please leave now? We need to talk to the doctor in private."

-" Not until Gaby told me that it's all a big lie. Tell me he's just crazy, babe." I took a step forward. He took her hand into his.

-" Carlos is not crazy, Cash. It's not your baby that I'm carrying. It's his." Gaby said, putting her head down. I felt like punching that guy so hard that he passed through the wall. I chose to be a decent man instead.

-" Okay. Okay." I only said and walked out of the room. I heard Gaby sniffing. Oh please! I felt like yelling at her or even beat her up. But, I wasn't that kind of guy when it comes to dealing with women. One thing for sure is that I didn't want to ever lay my eyes on her again. I would love to hate her in that moment.

Naomi smiled when she saw me.

-" How things went?" She asked.

-" It happens that I was a fool for listening to you and come here." I simply said. She looked like she was confused.

-" You guys didn't make up?" She asked. I ignored her question and walked out of the hospital. I was going to used that rage inside of me to defeat my enemies.


What do you think? Do you think Naomi is changing? Ain't Sasha annoying you too? Do you think Lucky really have something to hide? And that final conversation between Cash, Gaby ND Carlos? What's your opinion.

Short chapter? I know. I'm sorry. It's all I could write for now. I'll update soon. Thanks for reading. Comment. Vote. Share. Thanks did the support.

I dedicated this chapter to @TiffanySchmitt4 because her mind was kind of reading mine and it pushed me to agree with my decision of writing this chapter like this. Thanks love.

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