
74 2 15

You and Aphmau are going to the new village of Hytheria. From what you knew, Hytheria was a village made completely by hybrids from Nerula.

"Ah, greetings, Lord Aphmau and Y/N." Stargazer greeted at the gates. "The lord is ready to see you."

"I thought you were the lord...?" Aphmau raises an eyebrow.

"Ah, yes, that would be an assumption, I suppose." She sighs. "No, I am not. I have too much business in O'khasis, as well as in Nerula, to take care of. However, if needed, I will take the place of the lord, although it is not my rightful place."

"Stargazer, that is very.... Noble of you?" Aphmau guessed.

"........ I'll be taking you to Lord Sapphire now." She said and escorted you to a large building made of stone bricks with lamps outside the door filled with glowstone.

What do you do?

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