⋅05.The truth⋅

Start from the beginning

Jane glanced at me like she was asking if everything was fine. I put my shield around us.

-Jane, I am ready. Just stick to the plan, alright? Don't let them any hint.

Jane nodded. I evaporate my shield. She opened the quiet doors and we could saw Aro smiling ear-to-ear.

"Ok Bella. Now or never. "

-Aro, I said. Looking good today. Marcus, Caius, I addressed myself to the other two brothers with a little bow. Like alway, they were sited on their chairs. What a lovely morning, I continued. What's for breakfast?

All the faces in the room dropped. Yes! Extra points!

-Bella, my miracle. Are you fine? Aro asked worriedly.

I frowned.

-Of course I am, what a silly question, I giggled. Why would I be anything but fine?, I continue

Aro was looking at me with his reddish eyes, now full of sadness.

-Oh, ow, um, he cleaned his throat. I was just asking, he excused himself.

I just smiled at him. I stared walking on my heals, and all of the sudden I tripped and fell. In a blink of an eye Aro was right next to me, holding my waist not to fall, Marcus and Caius were standing up, and Jane faked a movement.

-Wow, I am a really silly delicate human being, am I? I asked giggling.

Aro was still holding me, looking at me, with love and compassion in his eyes. He leaned closer to me, as he was about to touch my lips with his I pushed him.

-What are you doing? I asked him.

If he was a human he would be blushing to death right now.

-Ugh... I am... I am sorry Bella. I don't know what happened, he said. His eyes were the pure sadness, and his smile was no longer on his face.

-It's fine. Help me here a bit, I asked him. Aro helped me to stand up and we just stare at each other.

-Do I have something on my face? I asked him.

-What? He asked confused. No, no. Absolutely not. Let's just... let's just eat.

I nodded and we headed to the table.

-Jane, can you come here a second? I asked her.

She just nodded and moved her chair next to mine. After we ate, well, they just drank their regular blood, Aro Marcus and Caius just stared to talk, to quietly for my ears.

I put a shield around me and Jane and I asked her calmly

-What do they say?

Jane just took my hand and let me switch with her. By meaning switch I refer to, I was in her mind and body and she was in mine. Her cold blood was provoking a little shiver to me. I turned off the shield and I was carefully listen on what they say.

"No, this is not possible!"Aro demanded on something Caius said.

"She has to remember!" he continues.

"Brother", Marcus put a hand on his shoulder. "Perhaps this is the end. She will not remember anything."

"No.No.NO! Aro screamed in quiet voice.

I looked at Jane-myself and she was curious. She couldn't hear from my body that means they are still as quiet as a vampire can be.

"Brother, relax. We will find a way", Caius tried to calm Aro down.

"You don't understand. She promised me. She promised me that this is the end, that we will be together, forever. She cannot remember. She has to, when an ouijia gives her word, nothing from the universe can stop her "

He was absolutely right. When a ouijia gives her word, she really gives her word. And we don't do that, only when is a life or dead thing. And yes, this is what I am, I am an ouijia. Stronger then a vampire, faster then light, more powerfully then a witch and more thirsty for blood and death then werewolves. Ouijia are born when a fairy and a witch love each other more than any supernatural been can. After their first kkiss somewhere, in the word, a little baby Ouijia is born. We can't ever find our "real" parents, because they die shortly after the kiss. You see, you have to be crazy, or really in love to procreate an ouijia. And sadly I am the only ouijia left. The First (A/N: You will find about that later) absolutely forbidden any witch or fairy to romantically be involved on this. We were a few when this law was introduced in super natural world, most of them died because they didn't know about the 3-4 years rule. Well, I had to find that on my own. When I turned 18, as an ouija, I started to grow old, really fast, days were like years. I wanted so bad to live, that I looked deeply in my mind to find something that will help me. And then I had a Click-up. If I will have again, 4 years, I could live longer. The first time I tried, I completely forgot who I was, I was living as a normal teenager, I had a family, I was happy, without me knowing anything magically or anything. After I turned 18, on the forth day, I remembered everything. And I had to run from everything. I was at my third life when Aro found me, so scared and without any knowledge about my powers. So he put me to work, he made me use my powers more and more, and then I finally had full control over them. When this happened, I was already on my 15th life. He made me do the room that is under his chair , and put there a mystical "force" to remained me everything when I step in. Because you see, is hard to remember on my own, I need something to be reminded. In my first three lifes, I was lucky, someone said my full name and I was reminded. I giggled for myself. Is good to remember.

"Why is she staying blank out there? She looks like she is a stone!" Aro exclaimed.

Oh shit, o shit! Jane was used to stay still as a stone when nothing entertainment is around her. And she is doing that in my body! I took her hand and we switch again. I stayed a bit without moving and then I smiled at Aro, while he smiled back

Oh dear Lord. That was close.

Ok guys, so here is the new chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading my little story. :) Comment vote and share, please.

I have a question for you, so anyone who is reading my story, at this moment, please, please, tell me your opinion on those two questions.

1) If there could be left only 3 Cullen's alive , Edward and two more who would you want to be ? I prefers myself the combination


What do you guys think?

And 2)Would you like to get flashbacks from Bella's life ?

Thank you guys. you rock ! (A/N: Authore note)

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