Next thing I know, he came upstairs and stopped, so did I It felt as if all the clocks froze. He changed slightly. His hair grew, his eyes 50 shades bluer than before, got taller.

"Hey Amber, we're home." Charlotte stopped the moment.

Although I woke up from the dream, Josh was still stood there paralysed, until Charlotte started clapping in his face to say something.

"H-hey." He greeted me, observing the floor like it's the most fascinating thing. His cheeks as red as Charlotte's new wedding nails.

I smiled shyly, trying to play cool but all I wanted was the ground to bury me, or eat me alive, or someone to shoot me from the window, or just faint- which I was really close to do.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked slugishly, like I was struggling for the words, which I was.

Can this get any more awkward?

Josh didn't reply, he just kept on staring in my eyes, all his eyes could say was sadness, hope, regret.

"Anyways." Charlotte started, whilst watching Josh asif he's a zombie.

"Your room is the second to the left." She spoke.

"Just to make things awkward, it's right next to Amber's room." She whispered to him, although it was loud enough for me to hear.

Just me and him. Alone. Silent. Just as I thought this can't get worse but here I was standing inches away from him...typical.

"Hey, i'll show you around." I annouced breaking the quietness.

He nodded, and after a small house tour, he went to his room.

As I was still outside his bedroom door, all i wanted was to knock---no! Not knock. Kick the door clear out and shout, why he left me! No, have a chat saying how much I miss him. Ohhh, I don't know what to say but I thought to myself.

It's now or never.

'Never.' the stupid voice in head replied.

Shut up! Why should I listen to you? Last time I obeyed you  I was with Jordan and Josh left!

After three knocks with no anwser I decided to just come in.

"Josh?" I searched around the room to find him sleeping on the bed. He was too adorable to wake him up, he had a hard day. I'll speak to him later...probably.

The following day.

Today's the day!

Today's the day when Charlotte is no longer Dawson. Where Scott will officially be married! I didn't speak to Josh yesterday, he slept all day whereas I couldn't even close my eyes, I was so shocked. This is my only chance to get him back, and then I thought.

What if he has a girlfriend?

A better life?

What if he hates me?

I can't think like this. Not today. Scott and Charlotte deserve this to be their best day ever and no one, not me, not Josh, are going to break it, but he's leaving tomorrow in the morning! I'll not have enough time. I started panicing and stressing out. This is my last chance. This is our last chance.

Now or never.

I started getting ready for the wedding. I curled my hair, did my makeup more dramatically-red lips, smokey eye...
If not the black dress then i'll be the one that will look like is getting married.

I got out of my room to get to the living room to find Charlotte, so she can zip the back of my dress. She wasn't there, but guess who was. Josh. In his pyjamas, eating and watching tv.

The Bad Girl And The Bad Boy {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now