Chapter 37 - Disbelief At It's Finest

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry. I'm here to help you and your brother. Deep breaths, in and out. Now you're going to start feeling tired, I've just given you some medicine, so don't worry" His words were punctuated with a drowsy feeling that took over, his figure and Jinbe's blurring together as the darkness swallowed my senses.

Third Person's POV

 As Lana slumped against Law, completely knocked out with the anaesthetic he'd quietly ordered his assistance to administer, he sighed with exhaustion as he laid her back down, adjusting the IV wires that had twisted with all the commotion.

"What happened?" Jinbe asked as he followed Law out of the medical bay, having ordered his nurse to continue to monitor the young pirate as he left with her notes. Law sighed, rubbing his head as he walked into Luffy's medical room, where he checked over his charts and adjusted the drip rate of the IV, the man still as unconscious as he had been several days prior when he had landed on his submarine. 

"Panic attack. Keep watch for another, she might have developed an anxiety disorder or PTSD due to the events that occurred at Marineford, which she'll need treatment for" Law stated professionally, walking towards the navigation room to check on their progress to the Maiden Island he'd been ordered to chart a course to, where he'd hopefully be able to leave his three unexpected passengers. Jinbe nodded with acceptance, before walking back and settling in Lana's room, watching her heart beat which had stabilized to the rhythmic beating he had gotten used to over the last few days. The Fishman could always be found in either of the sibling's rooms, a surprising loyalty to the two having developed over the days which the others aboard the vessel noted. 

"How much further 'till Amazon Lily?" Law questioned his large polar bear navigator, Bepo. Once being informed that the island was still a week away, Law turned away with a nod, heading back down to the medical bay to continue to observe Mugiwara's condition.

Over the course of the next week, Lana had awoken and it took all of Jinbe's efforts to try and keep the distressed girl functional. There were times where she would sit in her bed staring at the wall for hours on end, her state almost catatonic as Jinbe was left stumped with what to do. He had been a fearsome pirate in his day, not a caring individual who knew how to deal with another's emotional stress.  The only time the brunette was comprehensive was when Luffy's state was mentioned, a shadow of her past self emerging when it came to her last surviving sibling.

Once they had docked at the secluded beach, Hancock, the beautiful Warlord who ruled over the Maiden Island, had graciously allowed the Heart Pirates to remain on, Jinbe took it upon himself to help Lana up, deciding a walk out in the fresh air would benefit her a little. As Jinbe supported the still weak girl, her arm wrapped firmly around his own to steady her, they slowly walked up the path that led into the bright jungle, away from the crowded beach. 

"I'm sorry for everything" Lana weakly stated, still leaning heavily against the large Fishman as they passed a trickling river. Jinbe glanced at her with surprise and relief, this being the first intelligible sentence from the women since her becoming conscious. She waved off his questioning look with a small smile, gently tightening her hold on his outstretched arm. "I'm burdening you with taking care of me. I'm not usually like this, I usually have nerves of steel, you know?" She held up a clenched fist, the childish action causing the ex-Warlord to release a small chuckle. 

"I'm worried about what will happen when Luffy wakes up. He takes loss strongly, so if I'm like this, I wander what he must be going through" She murmured, knowing that whilst she'd always been able to cleverly conceal her real emotions, Luffy was akin to an open book. Jinbe looked ahead in contemplation, before shaking his head at the young women, her worries making her seem more mature than her years.

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