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Finch looked out his window at the bustling community that lived in the ravine. Outside were other winged humans like him, flying from building to building with ease and going about their day-to-day life. He looked back at his own wings, feeling the embarrassment he did whenever he gazed at them. They were much too small to support his body in flight, which is what earned him his nickname, 'Bee'. He hated that name and most of the people who used it. He turned down to look at the pools of water at the bottom of the ravine that had been turned into hot springs. Well, he had nothing better to do. He stepped out of his house and into the small cart that worked sort of like his own personal ski-lift around the place since most buildings were above ground. He used a rope to lower the cart to the ground, then stepped out and made his way to the hot springs. As he began taking his shirt off there was a sudden rumbling in the ground. Around him, everyone who had been enjoying a relaxing dip in the springs were now in a frenzy, frantically leaving the water and flying up to their homes where they would be safe. Finch started to run back towards his lift, but below him a crack was forming in the earth. He let out a cry for help but nobody came, and soon after he felt himself falling towards the center of the planet.

As Crystal stepped out of her apartment building she thought about how lucky she was, she had a wealthy family, great friends, and she went to one of the best schools in her underground crystal city. The only bad thing about crystal's life was that she was blind. Unlike the normal crystal people that lived around her that had crystals for arms, legs, or even hairs, Crystal had two symmetrical crystals jutting out of her eyes, making her blind. She was the only person in her entire world that had this defect, and it made her the main target for teasing. Crystal, the girl who had everything but sight. Crystal was suddenly awoken from her thoughts by a car horn, and she was suddenly pulled backwards. "CRYSTAL! What are you doing wandering off without us to guide you?!" Carly, her best friend yelled angrily,"You almost got run over!!" "Sorry Carly, I wanted to see how far I could go." Crystal replied. suddenly the ground started to rumble violently. "Whats going on?!" Crystal yelled. She reached around for her friend but couldn't locate her. "HELP!" Crystal screamed. But before Crystal could yell for help once more, the ground opened up beneath her and she screamed as she plummeted into the unknown.

Oswald grunted as he struggled to get the boards off of the door. It was the only way to get away from them. He could hear them getting closer and closer, and frantically pulled as hard as he could. "Well well, looks like we've got another pane in the glass over here fellas!" There was no getting out of this. Oswald slowly turned around to face the three humanoid rock people that blocked his escape. "C- comon guys! What did I do to you?" Oswald asked, shaking with fear. "You know what your kind did to us! Your kind trapped us on the other side of that horrid wall for years! All because we can easily break you filthy glass people!" The larger rock man replied angrily. Oswald didn't know what to say. He knew it was wrong for them to banish the rock people, just because they were powerful enough to kill the glass people easily. "B- But..." Oswald started. "But nothin!" The Rock man yelled. Then he grabbed Oswald and turned towards his accomplices. "What should we do with it?" He Asked. Suddenly the ground began to shake, startling everyone and making a few buildings break apart. Then out of nowhere a giant crack formed into the ground nearby. "Lets throw him in there!" One of the other rock people suggested. "N- NO! please!" Oswald begged. Oswald's Captor smiled. Then dragged Oswald over to the crack that seemed to go down forever. "G- Guys! please! I- It's not my fault!" Oswad pleaded but to no avail. The Rock Man then held Oswald over the bottomless hole. Smiled once more, and dropped Oswald. "NOOOOO!!" Oswald cried as he fell into the darkness below.

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