Chapter One: Seeking Fate

Start from the beginning

"I am sorry Kenny." Ron apologized. "I didn't mean to act cold to him years ago. I just wanted some time to myself because the changes caught me off guard. I had recently just lost Nate and then suddenly the goddess threw me a replacement. I know you blame me for what I did but the main thing that I couldn't grasp despite him being my second mate was that-"

"I know about that Ron." Kenny cut him off, not wanting Ron to tell him about it. He already knew and didn't want to make things awkward by having Ron mention it out loud.

"What? You do?" Ron shrieked.

Kenny laughed at the look Ron had. Ron looked away in embarrassment and grumbled about how Kenny was a shit friend.

"I'm your Alpha and best friend, Ron. We grew up together, who else knows you in and out? I think I'm the only one who had to find out you were-"

"Don't you fucking say it!" Ron shouted and Kenny laughed until he shed a tear which made Ron smile honestly.

Kenneth had just finished having dinner with his family when he excused himself to his office. After the talk with Ron, he wanted to do something to help his friend. Ron was like a brother to him and he was fed up on watching him slowly breakdown. He had waited for Ron to come to him and confide in him but his friend took long enough to talk. He could've helped without waiting for Ron to open up but he didn't want to make a mistake. Ron had to be sure of what he wanted and come clean about it. Now Kenneth was sure Ron truly wanted to meet Charles so he had to make sure that was done.

"Hey alpha," the voice on the phone teased to which Kenneth rolled his eyes at.

"Zach can you do something for me?"

"Straight to business are we?" Zach asked while he moved to a less noise room in his house. "What can I do for you Kenneth?"

"I want to know where Charles is?"

"I'm sorry I can't do that."

"Zach." Kenneth warned his voice getting deep. He knew Zach wouldn't agree if asked politely but Kenneth had a plan b.

"He told me not to help anyone find him and I promised I wouldn't do that, so don't ask me about that Kenneth. Anything but that."

"I'm not asking Zach. I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice." Kenneth stated leaving no room for discussion. The bond between him and the dragons meant he could ask or order Zach to do anything for him without the other declining. He never made that do anything unwilling but this time he had no choice but to use that bond.

"Of course you would stoop so low to use that against me."

"Don't make this difficult Zach. They are mates and you of all people should know how important it is for them to meet up. Charles is your best friend and your brother in law, I'm sure you want him to have a good fucking life and that's what I want for my best friend. So don't give me shit statements of stooping low because I'd do it again and again if it means my friend would get a taste of a good fucking life." Kenneth yelled.

"I'll send you an email." Is all Zach said before ending the call.

Kenneth sighed knowing he would have to apologise to Zach for this. Zach was a good friend of his and he truly felt bad ordering him like that but he had no choice. His phone beeped and he saw a notification for a new email so he switched on his laptop.

Ron was spread out on the floor while he wrote in his diary. He never had one before until two years ago when he decided to find a way to share his thoughts. He got the diary and made sure he kept it safe from prying eyes. In it he wrote his feelings; all of it without holding back. He vowed to never let anyone read it because he would feel naked to the bone.

His dinner was still placed on his desk, uneaten. He had no appetite and only settled on drinking water.

"You are dismissed for tomorrow's guard training. I want you to pack your things, I'm sending you away tomorrow." Kenneth sent him the message through their mind link.

"How long will I be gone?" Ron asked as he got up from the floor and began securing his diary away.

The door to Ron's bedroom opened and Kenneth entered, closing it behind him.

"I asked Zach for Charles's location and he gave me." Kenneth said.

"By ask you mean...."

"Yes Ron. So you better not disappoint me by coming back without Charles. I'm not sure how long it will take you to work things out. Please take your time and don't rush."

Ron didn't know what to say to that so he did the only thing he could; hugging Kenneth. Tears spilled down his face and he freely cried. He had hopped for this day to come and he was happy it did.

As Ron lied in bed that night, he couldn't picture how Charles reaction would be to see him. He didn't know Charles so he was out of ideas. He sighed and closed his eyes hoping to sleep good tonight for tomorrow he would be on his journey to seek his fate.

Until Next Time!!!


(Pic above is Ron)

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