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"Rebecca!!" Scarlett screamed, "YOU'RE USING UP ALL THE WIFI AGAIN!!" Scarlett pounded on her sister's door, "WHAT do you want!?" her big sister yelled from behind the locked door."You know what's going on! Whenever you stream your dumb makeup tutorials it makes the internet really slow!! I can't watch my videos!" Scarlett explained angrily. "Who cares about your stupid minecraft videos Scarlett? At least I'm watching something productive!" Rebecca yelled back. Scarlett was enraged. She walked over to the house's living room, it was a average sized room, with a brown recliner, a coffee table, a couch, and a tv on the wall, on the floor plugged in was the family's internet router.Deciding it was the only way to get her big sister out of her room, Scarlett unplugged the internet router. There were a few seconds of silence, before Rebecca burst out of her room and stomped down the hallway towards the living room yelling, "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO UNPLUG THE ROUTER SCARLETT!!!" ,running up to the router, Rebecca placed her phone down, and started to plug the router back in. But right after Rebecca had plugged the router back in, Scarlett grabbed Rebecca's phone, and made a mad dash towards the nearby stairs. "SCARLETT!!" Rebecca screamed, sprinting after her little sister. Suddenly, halfway to the stairs, Scarlett tripped and fell to the ground, sending her sister's phone flying through the air. A slight clink could be heard when the phone hit the floor. "OMG Scarlett what have you done?!" Rebecca screamed quite dramatically. Rebecca ran towards her phone that was laying face down on the wooden floor, not stopping to check if her sister was a ok. She quickly scooped up her phone, and slowly turned towards Scarlett, showing her the newly made, two inch crack on her phone's screen. Scarlett looked at her sister's phone, looked at her sister, and bolted. She dashed past Rebecca, up the stairs, into her room, and locked her door. "SCARLETT!!!!!!!!!!" Rebecca screeched. Scarlett ran to her computer, put on her headphones, and pulled up a minecraft video on the new 1.11 update. She then turned her volume extra high, knowing she'd be in A LOT of trouble when her parents got home.

About an hour later, someone forcefully opened the door to her room and Scarlett looked up from the video she'd been watching to see her mother standing there, hands on her hips. "Rebecca just told me you'd broken her phone. Is that true, young lady?" Scarlett didn't respond, and her mother sighed. "Why can't you two just get along?" She shrugged, and her mother walked right up to the computer and unplugged her headphones. "Listen! Don't think you're just going to get off scot free! Until we can get your sister a new phone.." The woman stopped for a moment to think of the proper punishment, then snapped her fingers and grabbed Scarlett's phone right off the desk. "Hey!" "..You'll just have to live without yours as well!" "But that's not fair!" Her mother raised an eyebrow. "But you're the one who broke it in the first place." "But-" "That's enough young lady!" And before Scarlett could say anything else, her mother walked out the door with her phone in hand. Scarlett let out a frustrated groan and let her head fall right onto the desk. "Ugh..." After a little while she got up and locked the door to her room. She was definitely not in the mood to be bothered. Then she went back to her computer and grumpily continued wasting her time on Youtube. Suddenly there was pounding at the door. Scarlett ignored it, until the pounding stopped and was replaced by a rumbling in the floor. "An earthquake?!" She jumped up from her seat and ran to the door, jiggling the handle. In her panic she seemed to forget how to unlock a door. In a frenzy she turned towards her window. It was the only other option.. She ran back and slid the glass up. Without thinking about it she jumped out. Maybe I can land in some bushes.. She hoped, but as she fell she looked at the ground below her and saw that it was splitting. Her eyes widened and she let out a scream as she plunged into the crack that quickly spread across the planet and the worlds in it.

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