chapter one

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Mia's P.O.V.

"Mia where to now?" Andrew asked as I looked through the developed photographs. I did not answer him immediately. I still wanted to make sure that my plan would go well. This was the time where the main part of the plan would take place.

"How about Manhattan?" I asked still not bothering to look up. I separated the photographs that I felt were good to be sent in for a competition and to be sold. Sold as in, they are actually developed into large sizes and auctions are held.

"Are you sure?" he asked again taking hold of the photographs that I handed out to him.

"Sure? Well, I will confirm in two days" I answered looking up at him. Andrew was in his mid-thirties, married and had two children.

"Mia..." he started.

"Yea?" I asked, giving him my full attention.

"There is a guy, who wants to work as an intern but.." he trailed off.

"Andrew I am sorry I can't do that. Give me three months more, I'll surely reveal myself to the world. After that you can give me any task but not now," I said.

He didn't say anything since he knew that nothing will make me change my mind. So, he just nodded and gave me a weak smile.

I stood up and walked out of the cafe. The cold air hit my face, making me tighten the scarf around my neck and snuggle my hands deep in the pockets. Still, I made sure that I did not damage the photographs.

I hailed a taxi to the hospital. Yes! Hospital. To meet the person who meant the most to me.

I remember how my mom always used to say, 'hate is a very strong word. Don't say without knowing the real meaning of this.'

I chuckled at the irony of my life because now I perfectly understand the meaning of this.

My own father taught me this and I would never forgive him, no matter what.

I paid the fare and walked in. I did not have to wait and let the lady let me in after the formalities. Instead, I just walked in. Almost all the staff in this hospital knows me. How could they not? I've been coming here for more than a year now.

I entered the room and sat on the chair beside the bed. 

Gently I took her hand and squeezed it, trying hard to control my tears.

But, it was to no avail. A traitor tear escaped my eye and fell on her hand. I wiped my eyes before any more would fall.

I could look like the most cold hearted and tough person to everyone in the world, but I was also a girl with feelings and emotions. The dreadful events in my life might've made me strong but deep inside it still hurt to see her in such a terrible condition swinging between life and death.

What was worse that I could not help her in any way. The most I could do was to take care of this expense.

But, what I wanted to do the most was to take revenge. I know she won't allow me ever to take such a step, but I could not let those bastards run away without paying.

You messed with Nina Pierce. Now you just count your good days, which will end soon. Once you know what I can do no one means no one will dare mess with Nina Pierce.

I took a deep breath and pressed my lips on her hand, lightly. "I will make them pay."

Suddenly I felt a slight movement like she was supporting me, for taking the revenge.

After glancing last time, I stood up and started walking towards the door. "Goodbye mom," I muttered with a heavy heart as I knew I won't be able to see her soon.

On the way to my house, I called up my coach that I would be coming early today. I lived in a studio flat. After mom's accident, I did not want to live in the same place anymore. I know I could not call this flat my home but what I wanted right now was not the luxury of the world. I wanted revenge.

Once in the flat I took off the blonde wig that I had been wearing and placed it in my wardrobe under all the clothes making sure it was not visible easily. Later I took off my blue lenses. I did like my hazel orbs but circumstances made me hide the real me. I took my hoodie and tracks as I made my way to the bathroom.

After a hot shower, I finally was ready for my practice. Today was gonna be long. The practice needn't be so long, but I still needed pacification that I could do what I had thought of doing. Hence the long duration.

I tied my black hair into a pony and covered my head with a hood. No one has ever seen my real hair. Well except for my coach. He knew everything about me. He also helped me to hide my real self from the world.

I walked to the place where I had practice. It was in a nearly abandoned building near the place where I lived. The room where we practiced was large enough to hold minimum 100-150 people. I walked in the dimly lit room to see Zach aka my coach already seated there waiting for me.

"Zach-" I started, once I reached beside him.

"You are going to Manhattan!" he said without even glancing at me.

My eyes widened. "How do you know?"

"Nina did you expect me to not know this much about you?" he asked slowly looking up as his brown eyes pierced into mine.

"But, I didn't even once say a word about it"

"Nina Nina" he started. "The way you were nervous as well as excited I could not be less sure. And plus you are asking for extra practice." he said as if it was not a big deal.

I looked down at my entwined fingers and slowly asked, "Zach are you mad at me for taking the decision before asking you?"

"Nina look up at me." he said holding my shoulders.

I slowly looked up nervously, "I would never mind you taking this decision. This has been your wish since the past five years how can you have double thoughts about your decision. I would have nodded blindly regarding this" he said.

I was so overwhelmed that I literally jumped up on him. "I will miss you Zach." I mumbled against his t-shirt.

"Why? Do you miss me now also?" he asked softly murmuring against my hood.

"No! But once I go away to Manhattan you will be so far away. I will miss you way too much," I answered.

"Not if I am coming with you," he said.

I took a step back to take a better look at him and said, "repeat what you just said," 

"," he said each word slowly.

"You better not be kidding me," I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"No babes I am not kidding. I am really going with you," he said.

"I can't believe it," I said hugging him tightly.

"Ow!" I said as I felt a sharp sting somewhere on or near my shoulder. I looked up at Zach narrowing my eyes at him.

"You said that you don't believe and generally this is the easiest way to make someone know they are not dreaming" he shrugged as if it was not that of a bother.

"Zach Raymond were you in your right sense when you pinched me?" I yelled at him as I rubbed the reddish skin which was swelling a little now.

"Holy fuck! I did not realize that you were the one who had allergic skin." he said as he scratched his nape. I did not once soften my eyes but his next statement did.

"I thought it was Mia who was allergic." he mumbled and I froze in my place.

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Confusing? Ik! But it will be better ahead.

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Till next,
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