◇Chapter 11◇

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The Winx could not comprehend how astonishing the newfound power was.

Bloom's colorful Butterflix dress was replaced with a blue one, wrapped with light red ribbons. Her hands were banded with the same things as well, except they were white. She wore brown boots, and her hair was tied up into a high ponytail. Streaks of deep red on her hair could be seen as well. Her wings were replaced with simple red-orange ones which represented her primary element: the Dragon Flame.

 Her wings were replaced with simple red-orange ones which represented her primary element: the Dragon Flame

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"Whoa," that was all Bloom managed to say. Shining with a new power, she looked at herself and took in the sudden retransformation. "This is amazing!" She added.

"How did you trigger that, Bloom?" Tecna quizzed. "It's not like it came out of nowhere, right? There has to be an explanation. A logical and rational explanation."

The fire fairy shook her head and replied, "I don't really have the slightest idea."

Apparently, Isabela had been trying to contact the Winx since the previous hours after school had ended. Ringing could be heard from Tecna's phone, and the pinkette detransformed to take it from her bag and answered it.

"Thank the gods of Valemnia from the Celeste Academy series!" The raven exclaimed through the phone. "Mother of crisis, do you know how many times I've tried contacting you guys?!"

"A 'hello' would have been nicer and shorter," Tecna sarcastically remarked. "No, considering there isn't much signal down here. You're still using that Windows Phone, right?"

From the other side, Isabela rolled her eyes. "Of course. I'm still using the Windows Phone that you made compatible around the Magix power pressure so that it would work."

Tecna then remembered how it isn't like the others' phones. Sighing, she stated, "Well, you can't connect to us directly. You need to use the phone I gave you. Where is it?"

"Somewhere in my drawers." The other fairy responded. "I can't find it--found it."

She held up a pink phone which seemed much like the others. Considering the girl wanted to have an Android phone, Tecna had decided to create a much similar one, except of course, better.

"I actually wanted to use this for a long time now," she said, using her head to hold the phone on her shoulder as she turned the other on. Under Mt. Ebott, as the others detransformed including Bloom, Tecna asked, "Then why didn't you begin using it?"

The phone turned on with a tone as Isabela held her Windows phone in her left hand, putting it on her left ear. "You know me--lazy. I also was focused on getting used to my dad's old phone. Does that excuse work?"

The techno fairy sighed and shook her head. Same as always, but she couldn't be any worse.

"Anyway," Isabela resumed as she waited for the new phone to start up. "Put this on speakers. Everyone needs to know about this."

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