Chapter One

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Here I was, lying on my back with no hope of actual silence. The constant beeping of machines filling my ears, causing my head to pound more than it had been for hours. I could occasionally hear voices, soft, soothing, feminine voices coming through what I assumed to be a door, talking to me. Questioning Me. Begging me.
I could move, yes, even comprehend what these people were saying, and if I wanted I believe I could open my eyes, but something... Something held me back from opening my eyes. I had this burning sensation in the pit of my stomach nagging me over and over, "Don't open your eyes," and I complied, fearing what I may be told if I actually showed signs of consciousness. I kept my dry eyes sealed tight behind the sealed walls we call eyelids.

By now, I knew where I was, all to well. Even a complete idiot could tell, I was in the hospital. But...why? It couldn't be a car accident, I don't drive, and being beat up possibly? No, I don't have enemies. I was known as the sweetest boy in all of my classes, it could never be that. So why was I here? I wish I knew, but the last thing I could remember was taking a sip of my first alcoholic beverage in my life, my eighteenth birthday, only what I assumed to be a few days ago. And now, I'm here.


I woke up, bright eyed and bushy tailed, today... It was finally the day of my twenty first birthday! And more importantly, the exact date of my surprise party! How do I know about this so called "surprise party?" Simple, I get one every single year, but usually it's in some lame place such as a bowling ally, an arcade, or even one time a bingo house. But this year is going to be different, My parents are out of town and my friend Harmony is going to be planning it, she is sort of the town slut, she knows everyone, but we have been friends since preschool, so our personalities really don't clash as we have gotten very used to each other. She promised that this year would be a year I would NEVER forget, knowing what she gets herself into sometimes, I wholeheartedly believe her.

Which, was... A correct feeling, but now if you think about it, I shouldn't have been excited, I should have been, in fear for what would come next.

I corrected my usual mess of a hair that night, dressing in the best outfit I could muster from my closet, Tight purple jeans with skulls decorating them, and a (For Fashion Purpose) ripped up tank top with a matching skull face, of course I topped off my look with a fake lip ring, and converse. (Why fake? Because I was way too scared to get my lip actually pierced, duh.)

(I stopped this story like a year ago, I am continuing now on 4/26/2018)

And as usual on this day I laid impatiently across my living room couch, staring at my phone that was as silent as an owl at prey. My blue eyes scanning that dim-lighted screen a million times until finally...

She went extremely far, a beautiful black Limo awaited me outside of my simple little home

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She went extremely far, a beautiful black Limo awaited me outside of my simple little home. I slowly made my way down each front step, shaking slightly as I watched the front window lower slowly, revealing a handsome man, face freshly shaven, smooth hair flowing like a waterfall to fall to the left side of his face. "Rallas, is that you? I was instructed to pick you up right about.." his chocolate colored eyes looking down at the clock, watching it click from 8:49 to 9:00. "Now."

'Fuck his voice was hot' I couldn't help but think before he made his way to the backseat to open the door for me, "After you, Little one." he smirked, I could feel his hand brush against my lower back as I crawled inside, it could have been an accident, but I sure hope it was intentional.

As I crawled inside I made myself comfortable on the plush seat that was decorated nicely, the handsome man showed me the inside, handing me the bottle of alcohol from within the mini fridge, "At least get a little wasted before you get there, it's expected from what type of people were invited." he chuckled, reaching over me slowly as he decided he would be the one to buckle me into the seat, painfully slow, his chest against my own, I could feel my heart began to race from being so nervous, I'm not even sure why I was. "Click" came the sound of the seatbelt as it entered the buckle, "There we go," he said in his deep voice, lifting himself up to look into my own eyes, and soon enough afterwards...His lips were on mine, in a hungry kiss, skillfully taking on my lips like they were the sweetest things on this planet, and if only seconds after, he pulled away. I was dumbfounded, and all he returned with was a deep chuckle before moving back to close the limo door and quickly make his way back to the front seat.

Leaving me in a state of utter shock and confusion.

Moments later during the silent Limo ride, casually locking eyes through the mirror hanging from the top of the car, he spoke up, "So, birthday boy. What age is this little boy turning today?" he purred in his (What I believed to be-) usual tone.
"Well- last time I checked I was...seventeen, so I guess I'm turning the wonderful age of eighteen." I said sort of awkwardly as I rubbed the back of my neck, our eyes meeting through the mirror once more.

I could see a smirk curl at his lips.
It seemed as if he was readying to say something- but he stopped and instead said- "Interesting." as he pulled into the driveway of a very large house, a mansion even, "She threw my party at her house...her very- big- house.." I said softly as the driver rolled down my window,

"I hope she didn't go to far with this.."

Little did I know, the things that would unravel all due to this party, my eighteenth birthday party.

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