Surpise: Becky and Zola

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Thanks PRAZAN for the idea

Becky Sauerbrunn and Zola Short have been together for around 6 years I believe maybe less maybe more they met at UVA. Both played soccer.



Becky Sauerbrunn-Short had been feeling sick over the past camp and had thrown up some. She didn't tell anyone but she took a pregnancy test.

She had her room to herself and was just relaxing when she gets called down to the conference room. She gets into decent clothing aka fckc shirt and sweats and her hair down and glasses on. She grabbed her phone and saw nothing from her husband of 6 months Zola Short. They got married and the whole team went and the duo were very happy after the wedding and went on their honeymoon the Hawaii.

She went down to the conference room and opened the door and saw the team all sitting there and one man stands up and opens his arm and Becky yelled "ZOLA!!" She ran right towards Zola jumping into his arms and kissing him deeply and tears well up in her eyes and he wipes them away and kisses her cheeks. Everyone awwwwed at the married couple and smiled at them and Zola placed his wife on the ground and wrapped his arms around her and was able to read her eyes showing that she needed to tell him something and soon Becky said "everyone I have an announcement to make."

Everyone was really confused and soon Becky said after taking a deep breathe "I'm pregnant!!" Zola smiled and kissed him again and posts were made and soon everyone cheering and hugging the duo and finally Kelley asked "is this why you didn't go bar hoping with us?" Becky nodded and led her husband to her room and soon they were cuddling and he lifted her shirt and started talking to their child.

9 months later......

Becky had their child and was now Holding their daughter Melissa Virginia Short in her arms and was smiling down at her and her daughter has her fathers skin tone but more of Becky's face. The blonde she wouldn't get but she would hopefully get her eyes.

Their daughter was soon one of the best defenders and held a record for goal scoring defenders.

She made the national team at age 16 when Becky was head coach.

End of chapter

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