Chapter 8

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***picture of Gabriella***

Chapter 8:

There were already many people awake and busy when Layla opened her eyes. It was the day before her mother's wedding, and there was still a lot left for people to do to prepare. After rubbing her eyes and stretching her arms out wide, she scanned the room for sight of her mother. Gabriella was perched on her cot. Holding the edge of an apron, she was rubbing frantically at her face with it to try to get it halfway clean. Another girl next to her was attempting to run her fingers through her own hair to get the snarls out of it. Across the room, there were older women getting ready for their work day. A couple boys were climbing down the rickety staircase, and there were people of all ages bustling around throughout the center of the big room.

Standing herself up, Layla still couldn't even find a glimpse of her mother. She let out a deep sigh and slightly shook her head. Why do I even let myself get my hopes up? This isn't like her. I've never had this much time of barely seeing her. All I want to do is talk to her and beg her not to go through with this...

An image of her father floated into her mind, and her eyes instantly started tearing up. While she hung her head low so nobody could see, she quickly brushed away the couple of tears that were beginning to slide down her cheek. I can't believe he's not here, that he's never going to be here again. If only I could say tell him I love hug him and smell the way his clothes always smelled like cinnamon... to say that I'm sorry, and that I'll find my way home and be Shawn's mate just like he had wanted me to. I'd give anything for that right now.

Not wanting anyone to see her vulnerable, she blinked her eyes a few times and sucked in a deep breath. It was time to pull herself together. On the floor next to her cot was another tan satchel, undoubtedly holding a new outfit for the day. A mix of emotions flowed through her: curiosity about what the outfit might be that day, both excitement and dread about seeing Logan again, and lastly guilt for always getting nice clothes when the rest of the girls in the warehouse were left wearing rags.

Hesitating for only a moment, she turned her body around to face Gabriella. "Follow me," Layla declared, and without waiting for a response, she walked towards a side room with her head held high.

After taking a couple confusing glances around, Gabriella nervously shuffled over to the room that Layla had just entered. The door was still ajar, so she slowly slid herself into the room. Standing in the middle of the small, dirty rest room, Layla was grinning from ear to ear.

"Shut the door. You are going to be my life sized doll today," her smile seemed to grow even bigger as she said the last part.

"Wh-What are you talking about?" Gabriella stuttered.

Layla rolled her eyes and let out a little grunt as she reached behind Gabriella to shut the door herself, "Put these on. I'll turn around."

A satchel was thrust into Gabriella's hands before Layla spun her body around to face the other wall. As she carefully opened up the package, Gabriella's face morphed into shock as she stared at the contents. She placed the clothing on a little table next to her and unbuttoned the dress she was wearing. Then, as if it was breakable, she gently lifted a bright orange tank top and slid it over her head. Next, she grabbed the pair of dark jeans and hoisted them up to rest on her hips.

"These fit on my waist, but they are pretty long on me," Gabriella said in disappointment as she stared down at the bottom of the jeans covering all except for her toes.

At that statement, Layla turned around to inspect it for herself, "Hmm... we can fix that. There are just a few final changes I need to do. All you have to do is trust me."

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