The Horan's Son: Chapter 3

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How had I not seen this before? Caleb. Niall. Caleb. Niall. Wow. They both look so similar. I can tell Caleb has Niall's eyes. So blue and beautiful. Gorgeous.

"Caleb...everything's going to be okay," I said as I looked into his deep blue eyes. To be honest, I always tried to look straight at his eyes because of how beautiful and deep they were. And because it made me look like I was serious.

"'s not. I...I don't know what to do. Who would do this to my dad? He has done nothing wrong! I...I'm scared, Jess," he said as he looked up at me and met my gaze.

"It's okay, Caleb. Like I said, we're going to find him! I'd do anything to help you and I'd go anywhere with you," I replied, trying to make him smile.

"Aw...really, Jess? You'd go ANYWHERE with ME? Aw, I love you- I mean-shit."

Um what. Did he just say he loved me. HOLY CRAP. Fangirl moment. Aw. But I love him I tell him or keep him wanting more...

"Aw Caleb. Of course I'd go anywhere with you." I smiled at him and tried not to blush.

"Alright then, Jess! Let's go get my dad back!"


Together we walked out to his garage (which was like the size of my house holy donuts).

"Um..Caleb? Can you drive?

"Uh yeah...I think..."

"Ok because I can't so...don't kill me please I'm innocent."

"Haha. Very funny, Jess."

We hopped into a black shiny Hummer with a license plate that said 'CRAZYMOFOS.' I personally did not understand it, but it wasn't my car. Whatever. It moved. It was nice

"So where are we going, exactly?" I asked.

"Um...I'm not sure but a time before when they came they said something about Nandos. So let's try there first. Okay?"





"Oh shut up and drive," I said laughing.

We arrived at Nandos with no sign of Niall anywhere. Was this the wrong Nandos? Everything seemed normal. People were eating inside and the place was plenty busy.

We waited outside for about 10 minutes when a white van with no windows drove in.

"Hey, Caleb. I wonder if he has candy," I said jokingly.

"Yeah! Haha! He'd probably be like "Yo kid, I have candy. Get in my van,"" Caleb said in his best rapist voice.

Oh wow. I really do love him, I thought to myself.

A few moments went past when Caleb perked up.

"Wait a minute. MAYBE my dad is in the van..."

"Oh my gosh...we're so stupid," I replied.

Caleb started the Hummer and drove towards where the van was parked. We hopped out of the vehicle and looked for any sign of the men who may have kidnapped Niall. After a few moments of making sure the coast was clear, we opened the back.

"GOT YOU!" Voices yelled and everything went black.

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