First Contact.

Start bij het begin

"Damn! Now I spoiled my index!"

"Get upstairs and do your nails elsewhere, Duff! Really! Now!"

"Yeah, yeah..."

He stood up and she shoved him again (what looked kinda cute since she was not reaching past his belly), but he really wasn't moving much. "Nice to meet ya'!", that Duff (like the beer?!) guy cheerfully yelled towards Slash, "n' kick his ginger ass for me! Oh and choose female, I tell ya'! Cause' he just got that awesome new purple dress, looks all stunni-"

"Duff! Go!"

"Yeah! Damn! Bye!" And he finally disappeared into the elevator, leaving a bemused Slash and an annoyed secretary behind.

"Sorry for that, sir."

"Ah don't worry. He wasn't bothering me at all."

"That's good to hear. How can I help you?" She seemed to properly work here.

"Saul Hudson. I have an appointment at one o'clock."

She opened a calender, searching with her long, red painted fingernails for the right entry. "Oh yes, I see. With Axl..."

"Yes." He blushed again, cursing himself for being all insecure, although there was really no need to and he was definitely used to meetings of all sorts. But somehow this was different, because he was confronted with a business he didn't knew a thing of- and everything for just a cute pic and a name to easily roll of your tongue. Axl Rose. Definitely not his real name and when further thinking about it, it sounded slightly like a stripper's, but somehow also not as the name was perfectly fitting for the way he looked. That fragileness, the paleness, the soft full color of his hair and the androgyny.

He has that new awesome purple his mind it looked breathtaking. The mix of colors...

The girl said something he missed, then politely pointed over to the elevator. "Go to the second floor, end of the hallway. Just get comfortable. I'll send him upstairs in a few."

"Ok. Thank you." He walked over, all composed; then suddenly he was so unsure that he hesitated to press the button, but he also couldn't just walk out again, so he did it anyway with a sigh to himself as he smoothed his hair back once more, the jacket of his suit dangling over his arm, revealing the lilac shirt he wore under it. The unsureness was increasing with every second- why was he here? It was unreal. He hadn't even seen that guy for real, but already he was way too attracted to him.

Choose female, I tell ya'!

Confusing...everything was confusing. He didn't even prefer any gender, as he believed to be attracted to a person, to a character, to a smile and a voice, intelligence and the look in someone's eyes, to a body, to a face, but not to a specific sex, but still he hadn't much experience with men. Some dates, making out for a few times, but nothing more. But then he wasn't here for more, he wasn't even here for an actual date. It was business. It was a deal- A contract he wasn't even in need of.

The elevator stopped with a beeping sound and he stepped out and walked down the hallway (also white marble), then opened the glass door at the end of it, finding himself in a rather cozy, wide room with two comfortable looking black armchairs out of leather with a small, low desk in between them, some plants, palm trees, just a small, covered window and everything bathed in kinda dim lights that gave everything a relaxed atmosphere. It could have been inside of a fancy bar. VIP lounge. Nice trick. Setting an escort deal probably worked better in a fake bar, then in an sterile office.

He sat down, hands folded in his lap and looked around for a while. It smelled like vanilla, a wooden, sweet scent of luxury, probably coming from the fragrance candles on the windowsill and god, he was in need of a drink with the air's stickiness drying his tongue and flooding his mouth with the promise of candies or sweet liquor. Some nice bourbon...simple, with an ice cube...or maybe liquor 43 with cream...or a cigarette...a cigar maybe? He wiped the sweaty palms of his hands to his suit pants, inhaling sharply to calm his nerves, until finally the door opened and the images of pale skin and red-golden hair became vivid in front of his eyes with Axl entering the room.

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