Does This Mean...?

Start from the beginning

"Haha whatever!"

"Everything okay Felicia?" he asks and I nod looking away and walking away from them to find a bowl for our popcorn. I find one and go into the cabinet and grab a pack of popcorn.

"You sure?" I hear him say, I look at him and nod with a fake smile. I turn to what was doing and grab the popcorn, take the plastic paper off of it, throw it away and throw the popcorn into the microwave. I head back up stairs and into the room.

"Wow your slow at fixing things."

"Haha sorry I was talking to Diana." He nods and pats the side of the bed. I feel a little nervous and then I walk over to the bed and sit next to him.

"I want you to be mines..." I look down and sigh.

"I need to think about it." I get up and grab the clothes off the bed and head into the bathroom and sigh frustratingly. Gosh why did I kiss his ass?! I feel bad but maybe I do like him. I shake my head clearing the thoughts and change into the clothes.

Once I'm done I head out and see Jo in my draws.

"What are you doing?" I say looking at him throwing my dirty clothes into the dirty clothes basket.

"Oh noting just snooping around."

"Uggh into my fucking pantie draw!?"

" wear sexy panties." I get angry and pull him away from my draw and look at him angrily.

"Stay out of my stuff." He grabs me and pushes me on the bed.

"Stop being such a bad girl baby you don't want daddy to punish you?" I feel angry but then I just loosen up and stop with the anger. It's not helping me, so I play along with him I shake my head and have a scared expression. He leans down and kisses my neck and I moan a little. What? did I just moan? I cover my mouth and he leans up at me with an amused expression. He sits on my pelvis and removed my hands.

"Don't be shy hah express your moans" I giggle and he laughs.

"Why is that so funny?" I ask he shakes his head.

"I don't know but you are comfortable to lay on." I smile and put my hands behind my head.

"Thanks" I smile into his eyes.

"Jh your popcorn..." Jo jumps off me and I feel my heart skip a beat. I raise up and it's Diana at the door with our popcorn in a bowl.

"Ooo I'm sorry...I didn't mean to interrupt this little moment."

"He was just tickling me..." I say nervously and blushing really hard.

"Mmmhmm whatever girl, heres your pop porn."

"Diana! Stop it!" I say as I hit her arm playfully as she hands me the popcorn. She laughs and heads to the door.

"Bye better treat her right and you two have fun and NOT TOO MUCH fun. I see I came just in time."

"Girl I told he was just...just tickling me!"

"Mmmhmm sure...whatever." she walks out as shuts the door. I turn around to Jo who is blushing like crazy. All of a sudden we bust out laughing.

"Omg! We were busted!" I say throwing some popcorn in my mouth.

"Yeah I know right!" I scoot onto the bed more and lay on my pillow and Jo does the same as he grabs some popcorn and eats while staring at me.

I feel my eyes getting heavy and I still haven't finish the movie. I look over slightly at Jo who is wide awake all into the movie. I stare back the tv and I close my eyes then I open them again and this time I sit up and stretch and yawn.

"Someone getting sleepy?" he says amused as he stares at me I nod and look at him.

"I think it's time for you to go Jo." He frowns.

"Wait no please could I sleep with you tonight?" I instantly tense up and shake my head violently.

"Omg Felicia please!? I will not touch you in any bad way unless you want me to. I will not sleep so close to you, I'm not a wild sleeper either. I'll also sleep the opposite direction of you! please!???" I sigh and then nod he squeals and hugs me tightly. I giggle a little nervously.

"I promise to behave my self!" he whispers in my ear as he pulls away. He gets off the bed and starts taking his suit off.

"Wait hold up! You are not sleeping naked in my bed!"

"No no! I'm just going to sleep in my that alright?" I nod and look away, I tug on the covers and get a little comfy and lay down. Once he's done he lays down and grabs the remote and turns off the TV.

"Good beautiful!" I sigh.

"Goodnight Jo."

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