Moving On

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Two years later...

"Felicia stop, stop playing around." I say frustrated as I'm trying to read but she's trying to tickle my feet.

"Come on! Stop reading that book, you've been reading it all day. And all day yesterday too, just stop it!" She says getting closer to me and straddling over my legs as in sitting up holding the book in my hands trying to read.

"So it's a good book and I'm enjoying it." She grunts and snatches the book running out of the room with it.

"Felicia! OMG what the hell? Really?!?" I shout out the door running down the stairs chasing her. She reaches the couch and so do I snatching her up in my arms.

"Have you lost your mind?" I ask her in her ear. And she's giggling and I start tickling her and she laughing and she drops the book. I stop pushing her away as I grab the book off the floor and smile.

"Why do you chose to play so much?" I ask her laughing. She sits up on the couch and laughs shrugging. I sit down next to her then I put the book on the table.

"It's late... wanna watch a movie?" I ask her. And she nods.

"Ooh yes, umm but what to watch?" She ask looking at me with her eyebrows raised.

"Mm I know, let's mix it up a bit, lets watch Romeo And Juliet." I say to her and her eyes light up.

"My favorite, how sweet of you."

"Yeah I figured why not since we always watch my favorite." We both laugh and get up. When the news starts to announce something. We stop and stare.

"23 year old Diana Ross found dead in her car. Looks like a suicide, policemen found a note in her car and it says written to The King Of Pop Michael Jackson. The note read "Michael, I hope you're happy and that you and that little b**** of yours gets what's coming to you and I hope you two enjoy your life's in hell. Goodbye world, I'll miss you all." Sick isn't it, hopefully we'll find out more about this later down the road. Well for now goodnight America." I frown and start to feel angry, wow I can't believe she would do that. I feel tears coming out of my eyes rapidly an I cover my face beginning to cry.

"Michael it's okay, it's over now and she's in a better place. It sucks it had to come to this, but we have to move on. Life is good for us now, let's keep it that way." I hear Felicia telling me as he rubs my back and kisses my cheek repeatedly.

I sigh and nod, I wipe my tears and turn to Felicia and kiss her passionately.

"I love you baby." I say to her and tears form in her eyes.

"Michael... I love you too." She says hugging me tight.

"Now come on, let's go watch your favorite movie." I tell her breaking the hug, I grab her hand and we head toward the steps.

The End. ❤️

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