I head out to find Dr. Manning. "Dr. Rose, Dr. Manning needs help in room 10." April ran up to me. "Thanks April." I yell over my shoulder running to room 10. When I walk in everything is in chaos. The patient is throwing himself around trying to get out with a bunch of nurses and Dr. Manning holding him down. I briefly noticed the scars on his arm. "Hey! Let him go." I tell them. Everyone lets go and the kid jumps out of bed going to the corner of the room. "Keep them away from me!" He shouts. "Okay. I'm going to ask them to leave. Alright?" The boy just nods. I sent a look to the people behind me, walking over to Dr. Manning. "Call you call Dr. Charles?" I ask her remembering the name I was told in case I needed it. She nodded about to walk out the door. "But, tell him not to come in yet. I'm going to try to talk to him first." I told her still whispering. "Okay." She leaves with the other nurses.

I sat down on the floor in front of the now sitting boy. "Hey, I'm Tiffany. What's your name?" I ask him in what I hope is a soothing voice. "Zach." He replies. "How old are you Zach?" He responds with, "16." Zach can you tell me what happened?" He looks at me startled and shakes his head. "No, he'll hurt e again. " That caused alarms to go off in my head. "Zach, if you tell me who is hurting you, I will make sure they never hurt you again. I promise." He looks at me from under his eyelashes. "My mom and Dad. They hurt me. I tell the not too. They don't care." He sobs clinging onto me. I hug him back half as tight, not wanting to hurt him. "They don't let me eat, and I get bullied at school." He continues telling me through his sobs.

Two people then rush into the room. Both of them looking extremely mad. "Oh my gosh. There you are. We have been looking everywhere for you." The women takes a step forward causing Zach to hold on tighter to me. I lean down and whisper in his ear. "Is this them?" He nods. "I need you to leave." I told them. The man takes a step forward. "Not without our son." "I'll be right here. Go sit over there. Farther away from us okay? I'm going to take care of it." He nods running to the corner away from them. "Zachary! Come here now." His father orders in a threatening tone. "It's okay Zach. You don't have to." I tell the frightened boy. At this point you can see multiple doctors and nurses outside the window watching what is happening. "You can't keep us from our son!" The father shouts at me. "Zach? Do you want them in here?" I ask the boy. "No." He says in a small voice. "He doesn't want to see you. As a patient that is his right. I need you to step out of the room." I tell them standing tall even when I notice the father take a threatening step towards me.

"Is there something I can do for you?" Connor walks into the room. "Oh good. Finally someone with a brain. This lady won't let us see our son. "He has rights. He has refused to see you. You need to leave." I say standing my ground. "Here, let's come outside and all of us can talk this out in a civil manner, alright?" Connor reasons causing them to nod and step out. "What is that all about?" He asks me while whispering. "He's being abused. He told me himself and you can see the marks all over him. I will not let them near him." Connor nods before stepping out of the room. "I'll be right back alright?" I ask the fragile looking boy while kneeling in front of him. He just nods telling me he will be alright for a few minutes.

I walk out of the room standing in the hallway. "I need to make a call real quick. Dr. Rhodes, can you take them to another room? I will be there in a minute." He nods leading them away. I pull out the piece of paper from Hank and my phone. After a few rings he picks up. "This is Voight." I hear his rough voice from the phone. "Hey Hank, this is Tiffany." I tell him. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" He asks worriedly. "I'm alright, but I have this patient. "He's 16 and told me his parents abuse him. Hes got a lot of marks on him too. And the parents decided to make a scene at the hospital. If Connor hadn't come in, I don't know what would have happened." I tell him worried for the safety of an innocent child. "I'll send over some people to talk to the boy and the parents." He tells me and the line goes dead.

I walk back in the room and look at Zach. "I have to go talk to your parents. Do you want me to make sure nobody comes back in here until I'm back?" I ask him. He nods him head. "Okay. I'll be right back." I left the room walking out and telling one of the nurses not to let anyone back in the room.

"There she is!" I hear a man yell as I walk into the room I'm supposed to talk to the parents in. Next thing I know I am on the ground and the man is about to punch me. My head hurt from hitting the ground when I was tackled but, I managed to move my head a little to the side so he missed and ended up punching the ground. Connor pulled the man off of me letting me get to my feet. As soon as I was on my feet I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. I froze. Memories flooding my mind. Then I felt a punch in the gut. I looked up to see the dad had gotten loose and punched me in the stomach, and the mom was the one who slapped me. More people rushed into the room to restain the parents while I walked out.

The punch to my stomach would no doubt leave a mark, and the slap had left a handprint on my face. I walked back over to the room that Zach was in. Walking really slow due to the pain in my stomach and the pain in my head. I got back over to the door and saw Hank and a few other detectives with him. "Tiffany!" Hank shouted as I almost fell over him catching me before I could. I regained my balance and looked up to smile a little at Hank. "Are you alright?" He asks letting go of me. "Oh yeah I'm fine. I replied although I sounded really weak and tired. "What happened?" He asks again. "The dad tackled me when I walked in the room. He meant to punch me too but I moved on time. "And the cheek?" He questioned again. "The mom slapped me." I responded. "The dad also punched her in the stomach. You should probably get looked at." I heard behind me. Turning around I see connor with his hands in his pockets.

"What happened to the parents?" I asked him noticing they weren't with him. "People are still trying to contain them. They are trying to get to the boy." Connor told me. I looked at him before walking in and sitting with the boy on the floor. "What happened to you?" He asked in a meek voice. "Your parents. They won't even hurt you again. I promise." I tell him pulling him into a hug. He hugs back and asks. "Where am I going to stay then?" I think about it for a minute. "I'll try and make it so you can stay with me and my roommate if you'd like." He pulls out of my arms smiling really big and nodding his head.

(Thank you all for reading! This chapter seemed really long when I was typing it, but I didn't know where to stop. I hope you liked it.)

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