Chapter 1 - Hey, uncle Bobby.

Start from the beginning

"you have a niece?" Sam asked his voice still carrying the same tone of surprise from before. Bobby looked as if he were having a mental discussion with himself before turning his attention back to Sam. "Yeah, That's (y/n). I haven't seen her since she was a little girl" bobby said taking a large drink of his beer before sitting down. Sam didn't reply right away, he studied bobby for a moment. "How come we never knew about her? we thought all your family was dead" Sam said mimicking bobby's actions from before. 

Bobby's facial expression turned sad and angry. "they are" he said quietly. "After Karen died her sister blamed me and didn't want (y/n) to have anything to do with me so one day she just up and left. Moved all the way to New Orleans. 

You were looking through the bag of clothes you had in the trunk of your car trying to find a T-shirt to put on. You grabbed your favorite Led Zeppelin t-shirt. It was worn out and had a few holes in it but you couldn't bare to part with it. You walked back in to the house and straight to the bathroom, t-shirt in hand. You took in your appearance in the mirror, your hair was wet and it had started to curl a little. The mascara you had applied earlier was now all over your face. You let out a sigh and wiped the mascara away and pulled your (H/L) (H/C) in to a messy pony tail. Good enough. You thought to yourself. You quickly pulled the Led Zeppelin T-shirt over your head and exited the bathroom making your way to the kitchen. 

"hey" Sam said getting out of his chair. "i'm sorry about the water thing" he said giving you a nervous half smile and stretching his hand out. "i'm Sam". You looked at him for a few seconds. "Its okay, just don't do it again" you said stretching your hand out to meet his. "(y/n)" you said giving him a smile. You walked over to your uncle Bobby you were about to ask him a question when a guy  came running in shouting for a shotgun. Before you could get a good look at the guy or ask what was going on Bobby had pulled you away and told you to lock yourself in the bathroom and stay there. You stood for a minute trying to understand what was happening. 'like hell i will. Im not trained in martial arts, karate and have army training for nothing' you thought to yourself. 

You managed to get through to the sitting room unnoticed. You watched as Sam, bobby and the guy that came running in earlier tried to fight there way through what seemed to be 4 people with black eyes. One of the black eyed people had managed to get the better of Bobby. He was lying on the floor, knocked out. You didn't have time to think of a plan before you saw someone pull a gun on Bobby. You had the element of surprise, you jumped over the table and got the better of the person. You kicked them as hard as you could in the head. You must have hit them pretty hard because you knocked them out. Before you had time to do anything else you had been grabbed and flung across the room. You hit your head off the table, you tried to stand up but you were dizzy. You grabbed on to the table to help balance yourself, you blinked a few times trying to focus your vision. When your vision stopped being blurry and you got your balance back you took in the scene in front of you. 2 of the black eyed people lay on the floor, dead. Bobby was just starting to stand up and Sam had tackled another person with black eyes. The person who came in shouting about a shotgun wasn't in view, you couldn't see him. 'wait, that's only 3. Where is the 4th' you thought. Looking around quickly you turned to your right seeing a guy with black eyes coming right at you. You flipped him over your shoulder. Before you knew it something had pushed you out the way, the next thing you heard was a gunshot and then the room was filled with black smoke. You stood up only to be pinned to the wall by shotgun guy. 

"What are you doing here, demon?" shot gun guy sneered in your face. You tried to loosen his grip on you but it was no good. "Demon! What? are you insane or something?" he seemed surprised by your response but quickly regained his composure. "dean, let her go" Sam said putting a hand on dean's shoulder. "shes human". Dean released you from his grip instantly just as bobby walked in. "(y/n), i told you to stay in the bathroom. What were you thinking?" he half shouted at you. You took a couple of steps towards bobby. "Well, standing by and watching some freak with black eyes kill you was not how today was suppose to go. So, i was thinking i was gonna save your life. Which i totally did by the way" you said with a smirk. he looked at you in disbelief, shaking his head a little. "idjit, are you hurt?" Bobby asked with concern in his eyes. Dean came to stand in between you and Bobby before you could say anything back. He looked between you and bobby. "Am i missing something here, who are you?" Dean questioned, his eyes looking you up and down. Sam came to stand beside you. "Meet (y/n), Bobby's niece" Sam said with amusement in his voice and a small smile on his face. You turned you attention back to Dean. "his what?" dean shouted looking between the 3 of you. 

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