I dropped my arms from his waist and looked up at him. Can I just say that he is gorgeous?


“It was really good. I feel ten times better than I did yesterday.” I smiled at him before looking back to a cheerful Bianna. I missed this little girl.


“Hey Bri bug!” I said enthusiastically while picking her up out of the bed of the truck and placing her on my hip. She giggled wrapped her tiny arms around my neck.


“Hi Lizzie Pooh!” She shouted- probably a little too loud- into my ear. I chuckled and placed her down on the ground, leaving her to run to Ricky and Kelly. I smiled and told everyone to follow me. I was about to reach the door when I heard my name being called. Looking back I saw Mike smiling in my direction. I smiled back and turned to Ricky.


“My apartment is the first door on the left, give me a minute.” I placed the key in his palm as he nodded.


I jogged over to Mike who was waiting on the sidewalk. His smile was bright as can be. I don’t know what it is about today, but it sure is cheerful.


“What’s up?” I asked him when I was in front of him. “Nothing, I just wanted to see how you were doing after yesterday. Again I am really sorry about that.” He apologized again. I only smirked and shook my head.


“It’s not a big deal. My dad was reasonable and he let me off the hook. But look I will text you later. I kind of have people waiting for me.” I smiled, but before I could turn around Mike caught my arm.


“Oh yeah I meant to ask. What’s with all the white people?” He asked. I looked at him a little shocked. Did he just ask that? I shook it off for now and began to answer him.


“They are my friends. Is that a problem?” I gave him a slight glare before snatching my arm out of his grasp. I swear to all the bands that I love, if he is racist then I will drop kick him into the next millennium


“No not a problem at all. I’ll see you later Liz.” He said with a small smile before heading down the sidewalk towards the tennis courts. Those damn courts. I will never set foot on those things again. I sighed and made my way to my apartment.


Of course the minute I step inside Ricky and Josh have nearly destroyed the place. I can’t leave them alone for two minutes, I swear.


“HEY!” I shouted. They both stopped in the middle of chasing each other. I have no idea why they were chasing each other, but it had to come to a stop before they knocked over something breakable.


“I tried to stop them.” James soon came into view with Bri’s hand in his. “They just don’t listen.” I shook my head and chuckled.


“It’s fine as long as they didn’t break anything.” I looked over to see June and Kelly on the couch watching T.V. June looked up and nodded. “Your dad would kill you wouldn’t he?” “Possibly.” I responded.

Stay Away From That White Boy (interracial) *No longer being updated*Where stories live. Discover now