No feelings. Never again.
I will not lose another loved one.

Repeating my my mantra over and over,
I gasp when he kisses my neck.
All the way down until he gets to my collar bone.
Oh hell no.
"Smooth wolf, Smooth.
Now get your hands off me and your lips away before I stake them to the wall."

Chuckling darkly he backs away.
Standing so close I can feel the body heat radiating from him.
My knees betraying me, going jell-o on my ass.

"Okay, I'll keep my hands and lips to myself. For now.
So what's your name?"

Why can't he just let me go? So that I can go pig out on Mc Donalds and some vanilla ice cream, while watching cliché romances and cry over something that I can never have: Love.

Well at least I have my ice cream.

"Scarlett Star. So what's the werewolf's name then?
And let me guess your a big bad alpha, Prepared to take me away on your shinning black fur.
'Oh your majesty take me away'."

Laughing a deep but sexy laugh,
My knees go weaker if that's even possible.
Smooth Scar, next you will lay on the ground just screaming 'take me now your majesty!

Fucking hormones...

That amazing laugh!

It sounds like a thousand little beautiful chimes going off at once.
And again that sandalwood smell is making me dizzy.
Muttering a thousand ways to kill this Godlike man, I hardly notice my phone screaming in my jacket pocket.

'What would I do without your smart mouth? Drawing me in and you kicking me out, Got my head spinning, No kidding'

Listening to the soothing voice of John Legend All of me,
I see it's my father calling me.

Oh shit.

If father finds out werewolf's exist and that I'm actually small talking with one, he will have my head on the next feast with this wolf's balls hanging around his neck in a tight home made necklace.

"Silence! While I take this call, please don't speak, Don't even breathe or he will have both our heads and maybe even your balls."

He is actually smirking.
Freaking ass...

Panicking  I answer the phone with a shaky voice,
"Hello father, Target terminated.
Yes I have the location of the royals, its in South-Africa. And no I'm not ready to go on a mission tonight.
I'm tired and hungry,
Surely you understand?"

Hearing him laugh I nearly drop dead.
Karma keeps throwing knives at me, laughing like a maniac.
I bet the gods are laughing their balls off right now as well.
At my expense of course.
Like always.

I have almost never heard my father laugh so openly.
Probably got a new weapon or something.
"Yes princess, I know. Don't worry, I will send some of my men to snoop out the palace first to confirm if they are indeed there.
Oh and by the way, I already got you a present and something to eat.
Meet us in half an hour. You know the location."

Switching the phone off, I glance at the wolf.
This arrogant bastard is making my eye twitch.

Target terminated - Check.

Meeting a handsome alpha werewolf - Check.

Lying to father for a arrogant beast - Check.

"I was a good boy. Now tell me, Will we meet again soon sweet Scarlett?"
I can almost see the sarcasm drip from the word sweet.

Taking my options,
I sigh.

Well maybe it won't kill to see him again..
I mean he is good looking.
And he does smell good.
And that musical voice!
That warm body touching mine..
Don't get side tracked Scar!

He may smell and look and sound like a God,
But he is NOT human.

"What's your name Mr.Alpha wolf?"

Smiling, he answers me quickly,

"Dimitri Ozera, Alpha of this part of Russia for the Black stone pack. Can I ask for your number? To call upon this next meeting of course. I promise not to bother you other than that."
Smirking at me,
I do something I never would have done.
I winked at him playfully.

Giving him my number, I rush to my blood red skyline baby.

Oh how I missed to ride you so fast your tyres are screaming.

Until we meet again Alpha wolf.
I look at him in the rearview mirror and smile.
Standing in the cold night, in the middle of the street stands my so called 'Mate'.

Handsome Alpha with his amazing smell.
Damn that man.
He will NOT make me fall for his devilish charms.
And good looks.


Reign Of Vampires ( Book One Of The Reign Series)Where stories live. Discover now