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)Zack's POV(

"Are you kidding me? They're at it again?!" I exclaimed.

Siergon, our head guard nods. "Unfortunately yes, m'lord. I don't understand why you think it's worth it to let them stay."

I sigh. This has been the thousandth-- if not millionth-- time there has been a report on dead cows and it's all because of the werewolves in our the Village of the Lake. "As much as I want to banish them from our grounds, they are a big help, Siergon. Especially for the safety of our village. And I don't want my sister screaming at me because of it."

Siergon nods. "I respect your decision, m'lord. I suggest you talk to their leader-- er, omega-- Vixen, was it? They'll listen to her."

But will she listen to me?

I nodded. "You are dismissed, Siergon."

He bows his head and leaves.

I rub my hands against my temples. Most nineteen year-olds out there are probably having fun with their lives. I don't know why a nineteen year old like me is sitting in this chair as lord of the village. Not just any village. It's one of the villages that fought in the War of Life.

Abby, my sister, slowly opened the door and closes it the same. She's two years younger than me and she has a werewolf boyfriend, Lucien-- Or Luke. That's what I like to call him. I looked at her. She looked shy.

Key word: Looked shy.

"What do you want now, Abby?" I asked coldly. When she acts like this I know she wants something and she won't take no for an answer.

She looked around. "I wanna do something productive in the village. Since you won't have an offspring anytime soon, little virgin, I need to learn how to be a lord."

I shot her a glare. She didn't flinch. "Don't call me that." I cleared my throat. "Plus, you go on an adventure every other day! You even go with Luke every week!"

"That isn't productive enough!" She said as she slammed her fist on the table. It gives a creak. "I wanna do something important. Something.... memorable! And going on an adventure with werewolves isn't something to be proud of. People hate werewolves. Screw that, they despise them."

"What happened to your relationship with Lucien?" I asked.

"We're fine. I'm just bored." she replied as she sank down on the chair. "Give me a job to do, Zack. I wanna be helpful."

I nodded. "Clean your room."

She glared at me.

I laugh. "Okay. Guard the village."

She glared at me again.

"What do you want me to do?" I said in between laughter.

She rolled her eyes. "I want you... To just give me a work that is helpful, dammit!"

I check my papers. "The Village of the Glass needs help in something."

"What?" she asked annoyed. "Someone to help them stop people from breaking their windows?"

I shook my head. "No. It's about people who are getting sick. You're a healer. You can help them.|

"Finally!" she sighed with relief. "I'll ask Frost if she could accompany me there. She's good at healing as well."

I nodded and she left with the door open.

I sighed and went out of the room.

"You can't boss me around, shining armor!" exclaimed Vixen

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"You can't boss me around, shining armor!" exclaimed Vixen.

"I am the lord and you are under my village so I have every right to boss you around." I said in a serious tone and I leaned on the wall with my arms crossed.

"Yeah, I know you are my lord." she said with a harsh voice. "But guess who rules werewolves? An alpha. And you are not my alpha so you have no right to tell me what to do. I can do what I want and so do you!"

I sighed. "By the way it's the 30th day." I reminded her. I don't know why but it's a habit of mine to remind her it's the 30th day. And the thirtieth day is the day she talks to her Alpha, La Luna Sangre (which means The Blood Moon and that is the name of their wolf tribe).

"I always wanted to say this. You're a coward hiding in armor." she said pointing to my armor.

"You're a coward hiding in a cloak." I said.

"I need this to protect my arcana and dignity!"

"I need this to protect myself so that I can protect others." I said gesturing to my armor.

"Sometimes you don't need an armor to protect lives. Sometimes you don't have to protect life at all." She said as she leaned on to the tree behind her.

"It's easy and casual for you to say that because you don't value life at all. You don't care about life because you can never end yours! You're immortal and immortality is a blessing and a curse at the time." I said, flustered. "I am a lord and I need to protect my people. Even if it kills me."

She stood up straight and lowered her hood so that I can see her hazel-- or whatever the shade of brown her hair is-- and her red eyes. "If it kills you, you can't protect lives anymore."

And then she left.

Her words echo through me all night

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Her words echo through me all night.

If it kills you, you can't protect lives anymore

I know the message is already there but I feel there's a hidden meaning to it, A meaning I can't see.

I jolted up from my bed because of the sudden opening of the doors of my room.

And there, I saw a woman naked, right in front of me.

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