Chapter 7: calling an old friend

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I'm like sick but i will work on this gradually



My eyes widen at who the girl is, my mom, of all things. I aimed my gun at her "get the fuck out of here before I do what you did to him" I glared at her as she turned her body to me"your coming home!" She yelled and stood my ground "you will not tell me what to do!" I said firmly "get out!" I pointed to the door. She rolled her eyes "this ain't over.." she left without saying no more.

I dropped down my knees getting covered in blood, he was shot in the abdomen. "Damn" I said applying pressure to it and he groaned "I'm sorry.." I sniffled "w-why" he asked much in pain. "I'm the o-one ow who should be s-sorry" he winced I shook my head and whipped out my phone "I haven't seen this dude in ten years... I don't even know if he will come.." I said softly and Ace glared at me "who is this he person" he managed to growl in this state "an old friend" I said.

Dialing his number I kept pressure on the bullet wound. "Hello..?" Jeremy answered "Jeremy its aria.." I said I heard a gasp "long time no talk!" He said excitedly "no time to catch up can you get to ace Braxton house? Like quickly. My mother shot him cause I'm in love with him, and now he has a gun shot wound in the abdomen.." I said all in one breath.

I heard keys "be there in a jiffy" with that I hit the end button and slid my phone away. "Jeremy is an old friend of my dads.. who always watched out for me, when dad was away. He is also a skilled surgeon" I mention to ace as his hand held mine. The bleeding wouldn't stop, and I was fearing badly. "I love you aria.." he coughed my eyes widen as tears brimmed "I l-love y-you ace" I croaked out. You will not die on me yet! I kept repeating over and over in my head.

Jeremy rushes in as ace eyes closes, list of blood. "Are hall a match" I shrugged "I have no clue if we are blood types.." he tossed open his medical bag and began to work. "We will just find out now" he mumbled sticking me and testing my blood and his "yes y'all are" he then started a transfusion. He sterilized his surgeon tools. "Was she up close when she shot?" Jeremy asked.

"I have no clue.." I held Ace hand even though he passed out. My heart is pounding so hard against my chest, it could pop out of my chest at any giving moment. The minutes ticked down and slowed to a snail crawl as Jeremy worked on ace. "Got it!" He pulled out the nine mil bullet. "Damn" I mumbled "she will get payback.." I growled. He stitched him back up and bandaged him.

You know it's hard to carry a full grown 23 year old male to the bedroom, when it's dead weight. Finally, heaving him up on the bed Jeremy told me to keep the stitches clean, and for him not to do anything to pull the stitches. When he left I fixed myself some tea, and cleaned up the blood stained tile floor in the kitchen.

Walking back into our room I sipped the tea and watched the color come back into Ace skin. My mind and body is so tired from what happened, that I left the cup on the desk, and crawled into bed. Kissing ace cheek I whispered "I love you ace, goodnight" and covered both of us up. Sighing, I will get revenge on my mom she is such a fucking bitch. With that in mind I fell asleep.


I know short but the next one won't be!

I'm so glad y'all are enjoying this story! It means a whole lot to me! Even though I'm sick and all I can think about is getting me well, I truly can't stay away from writing this story. This story is the most exciting thing I have ever written.

Thanks so much on the feedback and stuff. Just for being awesome I'll give a follow.

Have a wonderful day or night and be safe, and stay humble and kind.

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