It All Started Here

Start from the beginning

"Hey Jane," I said coming over to stand beside her.

"You want to swing by your locker?" she said pushing her red glasses up her nose. She was your typical nerd and she loved to play it up, always wearing glasses even though she had contacts, dresses with knee high socks and ties. She looked like a hipster nerd and she pulled it off well. It was one of the things I liked about her.

I nodded my head and we walked all the way upstairs into my hallway. It sucked that my locker was upstairs and everyone else's were downstairs.

I turned the lock and opened my locker. "So did you here?" she asked as I got my books out for first period chemistry.


"About the new family?"

New kids were a big, rare deal here. Nobody ever moved here, there's nothing here except for family roots which I have.

"Really," I raised an eyebrow.

"They have 4 kids. 2 of them go here and the other 2 go to the middle school. One of them even in our grade.

"They are apparently uber hot." she said sighing.

"Oh shut up, your taken remember." I said playfully pushing her as we walked back down to the main level.

"Can't a girl dream?" she laughed giddily.

The bell rang and we departed our seperate ways, I was going to East wing and her going to West. I scurried down the hall and made it to my class taking my seat near the front at the chem lab tables.

The second bell rang and our teacher Mr. Frank came in with a cold cup of coffee in one hand and papers in the other.

I tried to read him, focusing on him. Sometimes I could tell by a persons aura what they were feeling, and if I was having a good day I could get within a few feet of them and hear their thoughts loud and clear.

I stared intently at his face and studied him, in my mind I was switching through imaginary dials like trying to find a radio station on a radio.

"That's awesome, a cold cup of coffee to add to my miserable day"

I jumped back surprised that I actaully heard him, sure it was a little staticy, but I had heard him. This is progress.

I focused in on the person ahead of me, focus, common focus.

"Heather's having a party and I wasn't invited, I need to make her see that I don't care."

I was having a good day, I was going to have to try that moving objects thing after school.

"Good morning class, we have a new student coming to join us today," Even the teachers were excited for something different. Whispering went on around the classroom, girls double checked their makeup.

"Let's give a warm Green Lake High welcome to Jagger Moore."

A guy about six feet tall, shaggy chestnut hair, sporting hollister and fitch walked in. I could hear all the girls around me gasp.

He was hot, like hot hot, like I need some ice here. He winked at a girl and I could just hear her panties getting wet.

Okay scratch that, he was hot, but he knew it and used it. Total douche, just looking at him you could tell that.

"You can take a seat right next to Tempest," Mr. Frank said. "Tempest, raise your hand please." He said treating me like I was in kindergarten.

I still obediantly raised my hand and Jagger walked over to me. I didn't want the douche to sit here, couldn't there be another open seat. Of course everyone had friends and I was the only loner.

I heard a few girls gasp as he walked passed. I slid all the way over to the seat against the wall to make room for him, also so I wouldn't have to sit right next to him.

"Hi, I'm Jagger." Damnit, even his voice was sexy.

"Tempest." I said while shaking his hand. I was ready to be drowned with his memories, but it never came.

I focused a little harder, still nothing. What, I continued shaking his hand, even though it made me look like an idiot.

I looked up at him in confusion. This had never happened before, was I glitching out. Were my powers fading. That didn't make sense, I was fine a few seconds ago, better than fine, perfect actaully.

I saw his eyes and amusement sparked in them, they told me that he knew exactly what wasn't working and that he loved my confusion.

That son of a gun.

I was going to get through to this guy if it killed me.

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