*insret creative title here*

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Well I got tagged by an old friend of mine Mary_Serena basically the challenge is you write 15 facts about yourself and then tag 15 people who also do it and so on.

1. I'm blonde so if I answer a question wrong in school I just yell it's not my fault I was born blonde.
2.I had a nightmare about being murdered and went back to bed no problem then about a week later I had a nightmare about failing all my classes and school and couldn't sleep for the next 3 hrs.
3. I found out I had a 90 in my Spanish class on my progress report and started hyperventilating from excitement.
4. I'm 13 years old but I always accidentally call myself 12.
5. My eyes seem to change color from blue to green to some combination depending on my environment and mood.
6.I take all advanced classes.
7. I was supposed to be left handed but my parents forced me to become right handed I was telling this to a friend when my teacher interjects and says well that explains a lot.
8. I wear glasses because I have stigmatism.
9. 9/10 of my friends agree that if I were an animal I'd be a tiny black kitten that thinks it's a panther.
10.I have the entire school house rock Preamble song memorized because in 3rd grade a teacher said we could get extra credit if we did. Here's the song for those of you who don know it.

11. Every time someone makes a bad pun I say you deserve to be pun-ished for that.
12. I'm a massive teachers pet and I don't even try to be.
13. I have never missed completely a day at school.
14. When I find out my friends are into the same fandoms as me that I didn't know it before.
15. Me and my sister regularly have arguments about wether she should volunteer for me in the hunger games or not. Here's the play by play of our last one.
Me: you shouldn't volunteer for me I could out smart them.
Sis:You couldn't outrun them.
Me: It doesn't matter how fast they run if they run off a cliff.
Sis:You can't trick everyone into running off that cliff plus you're the smart one you need to go out and do stuff with your life.
Me: I can't object to that I am smarter than you.
Sis: that's not...
Me: Too late *flips hair walks into my bedroom slams door*

Well to the 15 I tags sorry if the tag annoys you but it means it think your awesome and want to know you a bit better so please don't kill me.


Also this is a randomness book but it's also a Q&A book so ask some questions. Also so many of those facts just prove I'm a nerd.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2016 ⏰

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