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I drew a pictured of  the original squad this was my first official squad of friends irl. We are called squad nation or squad squad
The one in light blue is oink oink  or paigeneumann
Then next in green is meow meow or pasofino729 (I swear she Dosen't look that dorky in real life)
In the middle in pink is me what other color would littlepinkblossom draw herself in my squad name is star star
Next in dark blue is sun sun (I should have used orange) or TheYodelingMelon
The last one in black is moon moon who's wattpad name I forgot 
We were the original squad nation We have new members now (no way I could draw them all) and I've drifted away from moon moon and oink oink but there all awesome friends and great writers so go check them out.

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