Thought 7

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I sit alone quite often and people often take pity on me and talk to me. What they don't seem to realise is that I like to sit alone it's... easier for me to sit alone than to sit with other people.  I think I have allready mentioned why. Teachers get on with me for the most part, I am smart, mature and don't agree with or enjoy the stupid things me classmates do. I think they also like me because I am bullied and they half pity me and half admire the way I deal with it.  That is to say I don't often care and I speak out against them sometimes.  Bullies get on my nerves cause their cowards playing at being strong and powerful and as long as they act like that they never will be. Today someone called me and I quote 'overweight slug'. This not only doesn't make sense but makes me feel like crap.   Then again I did say to my friend afterwards that his head is like a watermelon but I feel I was justified.  I was in class at the time and I called him up on it and the teacher told me off for raising my voice across the classroom however when I told him what he had said he launched into a whole lecture about name calling so he sort of did something about it I suppose.

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