Chapter 13: I'm Sad Part 2

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this one is more triggering. You have been warned.



"Is that why you havnt been at school? Because your sad?" Tears poured out of my eyes. I looked up at him is offence.

"Is that a crime now!?"

"No- Im sorry. I- I didn't mean it like that." He ran his hands through his hair.

"Sure, look. I think you should go." I got up and started towards the door but Lucas pulled my arm and turned me around to him. I yelped in pain, he looked at me strangely, then to my arm.

He slowly pulled up the sleeves, exposing scars and cuts.

"Claire.." He mumbled. His voice sounded of disappointment. He examined my self made marks. As I cried.

"Look at me, please.." He commanded gently. My gaze met his blue orbs.

"Why.." He whispered

"I'm sorry." I replied. He dropped my arm and turned around, rubbing his forehead.
He turned back to me, with tears glowing in his eyes.

"Where are they? Where are the blades?" My eyes widened by his question.

"Lucas, i- I don't thi-' he cut me off.

"please.. Just.. Just tell me.."  He buried his face with his hand.

"OK.." I mumbled. I could barely speak, the more I spoke, the more tears would fall out.

I walked up the stairs I felt Lucas's hand take mine. We entered in my room and went to my desk. I took out a silver box and opened it, 3 shiny blades peered out. I covered my mouth, trying to silent my sobs. Trying to silent my thoughts of how ashamed I am.

Lucas took the blades and looked at me

"These, are self weapons Claire. You hurt yourself with these. I know your smart, and you think for yourself. But, I care about you, a lot. If you hurt you." Lucas pulled down his sleeve with his teeth "then hurt me."

He stretched out his arm. I didn't think it was possible to cry harder, but it was and I definitely have reached that goal.
I shook my head.

"N-no.. I.." I hiccupped each word out of me. Shaking my heard repeatedly.

"I know promises are hard to be kept. But please, please, don't do this to your self.." Lucas begged. I nodded.

"Where's your bathroom??" He asked.

Confused but curious, I took him to the bathroom. He drops the blades into the toilet bowl. And flushed it. I watched as the blades went down.

Lucas turned to me, tears streaming down his face. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Claire.." He muttered in my ear softly crying.

"Ya..?" I sobbed.

"I love you.. Please take care of yourself... I can't see you hurt.." He replied.

My breathing went up, my butterflies in my stomach came to life.

Is he lying? Is this just trying to make me feel better?

"I'm sorry.. I love you too.. God I'm sorry..!" I sobbed more.

"Come on, you need some rest.." He departed our hug and our hands.

I just noticed we have been holding hands the whole time.

He walked me to my room. I sat down on my bad. Lucas was about to walk out but I stopped him.

"Luke.. Could you..stay..please.." I asked

He glanced at me. And nodded. I moved over on my bed. Lucas sat beside me and I scooted over to his side. He laid down in the bed. I shifted. He moved my head on his stomach.

"Lucas." I squeaked. Still sobbing a bit but calmed.


"Thank you.."

I wanna change myself

I'm gonna change myself.

For Lucas.

Oh no

I think I'm catching feelings..

BreakableNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ