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He looked at her with worried eyes.  So much has changed since the past.  They were older and there were new rulers in the world.  The year 2130 wasn't going well for them.  The people in power regulated everything now.  What you did for a living, where you live, who you loved.  It started when they started regulating love lives.  There were riots, but they were quickly extinguished.  They separated the people by race and age.  you weren’t allowed to marry outside your age and race category.  That was an issue for Amelia and Daniel.  Amelia was a 26 year old Iranian women.  She had dark hip length hair, dark maroon eyes, and she was about 5’ 5”.  Daniel was 24 caucasian with blond sandy hair and dark grey eyes.  He was taller than Amelia by 4 inches at 5’ 9”.  They had escaped the sentries but weren’t passed the walls.  Daniel had snuck into her section during the night.  He had found a hole in the fence and wiggled his way through.  He got to her quarters and woke her, putting his hand on her mouth to keep her from screaming.

He looked at her, her hair was in tangles, she didn't get a chance to brush it before they left.  They needed to escape and make it to the coast.  There they could take a boat to Europe.  They had hidden themselves in a crack in the wall as sentries passed by.  They were in such close quarters Daniel’s face was centimeters from Amelia’s.  Their bodies were pushed up against each other so that Daniel could feel her hips on his.  All he wanted to do was kiss her.  Not a quick soft kiss.  A hard, passionate, his lips pressed against hers for as long as he could go without breathing, kiss.  He felt her breathing as she tried to catch her breath from running.  Another sentry passed by and she held her breath.  Daniel did the same.  After he was gone Daniel and Amelia slid their way out of the crack and snuck around the wall.  

After the fall of the United States empire technology had declined.  They went back to a simpler way of running things.  No more high end prisons, they seemed more like concentration camps from the holocaust era of history.  They still had their guns but only because they needed and effective way to keep people in line.  But in the case of Daniel and Amelia they disregarded the guns.  They would have rather been killed before this happened then live without each other.

They had been walking along the walls avoiding the spotlights as they went, hiding in cracks and behind things.  A spot light was coming their way, Daniel looked over at the wall and there was a small crack.  Not big enough for two people.  He didn't tell Amelia that.  He pushed her towards it and she went in.  She turned to see him and she saw him walking away.  Solemnly towards the spotlight.  SHe wanted to run after him but her foot had gotten caught on rope.  No, her ankle was tied so she couldn't.  Daniel had dropped down and done it before he left.  He reached the spotlight and as he appeared in it alarms started to sound.  Sentroes flooded from multiple entrances.  

Over the bustle Daniel heard Amelia calling, more screaming, his name.  A blood curdling, heart wrenching scream.  Just his name, over and over again.  her face, what he could see over the sentries, was gut knotting.  Her eyes pouring over in tears an her lips still forming his name.  Noiselessly now as she was too overwhelmed with sobs to form words.  His heart broke, his chest filled with the glass shards of a once whole being.  The Sentires grabbed his arms and forced him down to his knees.  Amelia’s lips had stopped moving, now she just looked at him with her sad eyes, silently questioning his motives.  

The head sentry put a gun to the back of his head, and asked if he had any last words.  Daniel had only three.  And he muttered them, all while only looking at Amelia, his lips moving enough for her to understand.

“I love you.”

Then the shot sounded and everything went black.                      

ForbiddenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora