Making A New Enemy

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Esther's POV

  So this poor innocent little girl has a man chasing her? And to be honest, Mitch isn't the best when it comes to making ideas. So how he plans on doing this, i have no idea.

    "How about someone answer the damn door!" someone yelled from outside. "Obviously nobody is stupid enough to do that!" Avi yelled. "Don't be stupid. If you don't answer i'll just come in." the man from the other side of the door. At that, Travis walked to the door and locked it. "Haha, you're so funny," the man said sarcastically "You think locking the door is really gonna stop me? Think again." After that, an axe went right through Scott's door. "Kirstie and Esther , take Kacey around back and get into Kirstie's car and drive to my house lock the door and hide." Mitch commanded and of course we obeyed. Kirstie picked Kacey up and we both started running to the back.

    Once we got into Kirstie's car i looked to the door. The man was still there and he had turned around and saw that we were trying to get away. He started running towards Kirstie's car. The man put his axe through the front window of the car. "Oh my gosh. What do we do?!!?" I yelled.

   Its wasn't long before Avi and Kevin had the man to the ground. "Get off of me!" the man yelled. "Ya know. We aren't that stupid. I mean we're stupid but not that stupid." Kevin said. Avi rolled his eyes. This was NOT going to end well.

Mitch's POV

  I looked through the hole the man with the axe had made in the door. All i saw was the man pinned to the ground by Avi and Kevin and then there was a huge hole through Kirstie's car's front window.

    "Is everyone ok?" i asked stepping through the hole in the door. "Yeah, except me!" yelled the man on the ground. I rolled my eyes at him. "Alright. Who are you and why are you here?" i asked the man. "My name Daniel and im here to get my daughter back." he said now calmed down. "Who's your daughter?" i asked loudly. "Kacey. She was playing outside when the storm hit. She never came home. Then i saw her get inside your car!" Daniel yelled still pinned to the ground.

   Kevin and Avi looked like they were about to give up because he was trying to escape their grasp. "Don't listen to him, Mitch! He's lying!" Kacey yelled from inside the car. "Shut up you little brat!" yelled Daniel giving me another reason to try and beat the stupid out of him.

    Kacey came out of Kirstie's car and ran into my arms. "Mitch, please don't let him take me. " she whispered into my ear. I then felt Travis's hand on my back."Don't worry. Mitch isn't going to let anything happen to you. Neither will I." Travis whispered into her ear.

Avi's POV

  While they were over there hugging and whispering, me and Kevin still had this idiot on the ground. He was getting a little to strong. "You know guys. It would be helpful if we could have a hand here!" i yelled to the others. Mitch gave Kacey to Travis and helped us pick up Daniel.

   "Alright listen here. I want to know why you're trying to hurt Kacey. Got it? Or you can leave and never come back. Do you understand?" Mitch asked him in a calm voice. How he was so calm, i don't know. All i do know is that this guy was bad news. And Mitch shouldn't give him a choice.

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