June 13, 2015

   Akane got her wish and we fought during lunch. Unfortunately we hurt each other pretty badly.
Thankfully Mikan was at school today so she patched us up. Gotta say, being in a relationship with a sweetheart nurse like her is probably one of the best things ever. I just wish Hiyoko would stop picking on her so much. She doesn't do it as often, but still.

June 24, 2015

   Nekomaru wanted to teach me how to control my power...by fighting each other. At first I was catching him off guard, but he quickly learn the way I moved. Say's I'm to predictable. Sorry, but when you ask for it, I'm nothing but a raging, wild animal. A down right monster.

August 13, 2015

    Sonia wanted to go to an amusement park today and I was off of work so I figured eh, why not? Unfortunately, my arm was acting up halfway through our date and she got really worried. I told her not to but she insisted that we go see Kazuichi. That was a bad idea, I'm sure that he was still sore over Sonia and me getting together. But against my better judgment, the more my arm worsens, the more the pain I'll feel.

August 13, 2015

   I'm relieved that Kazuichi had fixed my arm, he and I also managed to patch things up. Apparently he's got a girlfriend now. Good on him, apparently  she's the Ultimate Engineer. That's quite the combination if I've ever seen one.

August 28, 2015

   Fuyuhiko wanted me to come to his house to talk about something earlier today. I thought he was going to kill me for beating the crap out of his gang years ago, but no. In fact, his clan or family or gang or whatever wanted to thank me for saving his little sister. Apparently she's been non-stop talking about me ever sense than. I just hope it doesn't get weird.

September 4, 2015

   I got cooking classes with Teruteru today. While he may be a massive pervert, he's actually a pretty cool guy. Mostly when he's teaching or just talking about normal things. Girls are a topic that should not be mentioned around him. Even so, he's done alot for me, mainly in the terms of surviving by myself, Chisa isn't home a whole lot nowadays, she always gets home late. I'm actually starting to get worried.

September 15, 2015

   This morning was absolutely insane, for some reason wild animals were chasing me through the streets I had to run to school. Thankfully, Gundham was outside the gate and saw my predicament. He helped me but now I apparently I'm in his dept. I'll just take that as a friendly way of saying 'no worries man'.

September 24, 2015

   Apparently, I've been looking down and the dumps, according to Ibuki. I think she was just trying to make up an excuse to go on a date. Which I can understand I suppose, we haven't spent time together in a while, it's the least I can do for her. At the start, we went to a music store at the huge mall in the city then saw a scary movie. Not even she could stand those, I think she wanted to test herself from last time, to see if she's gotten stronger. That's how she phrased it anyways, but it resulted the same. She ended up spending the night at my place, not that I'm complaining in the slightest. For anyone who's reading this, Ibuki like it rough! BOW CHICKA BOW WOW!

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