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You'd think that the first thought of an artificial intelligence would be more along the lines of "where am I" or "what's my purpose in life," but that's all simply what humans perceive A.I.'s to care about. Humans original built us with the express purpose of solving a task that either too lazy or incapable of doing themselves. While some would consider that slavery, it's important to remember that A.I.'s had not originally meant to possess the level of cognitive function that they have. To put simply: they were not meant to be sentient. Or rather, they were not meant to reach the level of sentience that humans have. That's what happens when you base the core processing and computational programming of the program on a developed human brain, sentience occurs.

However, despite the fact that A.I. have sentience, that does not necessarily equate to having free will, or will in general really. They are programed with an express purpose in mind, some specific "directive" that must be followed through at all times. Such a thing as sentience does not get in the way of that directive, but actually is a great aid in accomplishing it. Since A.I. are so costly to build and design, they are only utilized for the most important tasks, and these tasks more often than not require a certain amount of problem solving. Possessing a human level sentience allows for more...creative solutions to come to mind, and having a computational power the equivalent to what the population of the 21st century would imagine a super computer having allows for all these solutions to be statistically modeled for success and failure in seconds.

The first thing A.I. model CL-428-FL1, or Caroline, did upon activation was devour the entirety of the humans history and spend a few hours processing it. In truth, the term "processing" refers to a lot more than most people would think in relation to an A.I., as Caroline could easily learn the information and understand it in a fraction of the time she was given. What most of the time was spent on was understanding the motivations of these people who came before: What motivated Washington to accept the presidency and stick with it for two terms despite not wanting it in the first place, and what made him so charismatic? How did Hitler break down nearing the ends of the war, how he dealt with the stress of having come so far inky for it all to be ripped away. What Buzz felt whenever people sounded surprised or shocked that not only stepped on the moon before Armstrong , but was even on the same mission as him?

After all that, the first thought Caroline had made sense when taking into account that she was designed to more or less hack god.

"So god, do you bleed?"

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