"Baek.. We're done." I said as I brushed his hand off of mine. I walked back to the cashier. Then, I saw that girl exit out the door. I take a peaked at Baekhyun and saw him sitting down alone. I tried to hold back my tears. I have been wasting my 5 years with this jerk. I ignored him and continue doing my job while my heart is cracking.

*6:00 pm*

"AIGOO!!! TIME TO CLOSE!!" Sandy said. Then something just froze het, "Wait a minute...? (y/n)??"

"Hm?" I looked at her.

"Isn't that your boyfriend? Or ex-boyfriend?" She pointed at a familiar figure sitting at the table. I study the figure and yes.. that's Baekhyun..

"Nae.... " I replied in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I'll go tell him we're closed." She said and I thanked her. She walked over to him and tap him on the shoulder. She then said something to him which I can't really hear anything, but I saw Baekhyun slowly stand up. He walked toward to the door and exit out. Surprisingly, he didn't even look at me. I sighed loudly and continue cleaning the shop..

*After Cleaning*

    Finally Sandy and I have finished cleaning the shop. We both get our stuff and exit out the door. We said "Goodbye" to each other and I started to head to my car which I parked a couple of steps away. And yes, I got my driver license already since I was 17, so it has been a year now? As I'm unlocking my car, I felt someone grabbed my left shoulder and turned me around. I was about to bitch slap the shit outta that person, because I thought some pervert tried to attack me... but..
I was wrong...

It was Baekhyun....

"B-Baekhyun?" I said in a surprised. Our eyes locked and I saw tears started to form in his eyes.
"W-what do you want?" I asked coldly.

"(y/n).. can we talk, please...?" He said in a low voice.

"Talk? We got nothing to talk about. We're done.." I said, trying to hold back my tears. I know I may be harsh but I just can't handle this shit any more. We have promise each other before that to always say the truth, be together, have a happy life... but those promises are gone, after 5 years relationship...

"(y/n).. please... please give me another chance!" He begged.

"Another chance? What happens if it will happen again? And then I forgive you and then it happens again?!" I questioned him. This time, I can't hold back my tears any longer, so a couple of tears dropped down from my eyes.
Baekhyun didn't say anything. We stayed in a silent for a couple of minutes until I said,
"Baek.. just leave.. please..." I said as my tears kept on dropping down. Quietly, he then turned his back on me and walked down to the street. I watched him as he goes on farther and farther until he disappeared.. I wiped away my eyes and go inside to my car. I take a deep breathe as I turned on the engine and drove off.
"Just another bad day.." I said as I made a right turn...
*And so I need a drink*

    After showing my ID to the security guy, I entered in to this lit ass club. Well, I'm not here to party or having fun, but I'm here to drink. I made my way to the bar and asked for a glass of beer. A couple of minutes later, the bartender guy gave me my order. I take a huge gulp out of it which was a mistake because now my head started to spin. I asked for another glass of beer and wait for it to come.. As I'm a waiting, a boy approached next to me..

"Are you alone, babe?" He asked. He then take a seat next to me.

"First of all, my name is not "Babe". Second, fuck off. I'm not in the mood." I sassed. He then cracked a small smile as he comes closer to me. Out of nowhere, he leaned in closer to my ear..

"I can change your bad mood into a pleaser mood babe~" he whispered seducingly. I turned and face him. Just one second, I feel like a thunder light strike through my body. *Who in the... damn... he's... HOT!!!*  Quickly, I got back in reality because I really never had alcohol before, so I'm a little bit drunk. And plus, I ain't losing my damn virginity to this stranger!

"What's your name babe?" He asked all of the sudden.

"Why should I tell you?" I rolled my eyes. Then I got up from my seat and about to leave until I felt a grip hold me back.

"Let me take you home."

"Haha, yeah, in your dreams." I escaped from his grip and exit out the club. I walked to my car and unlocked it. *I think I'm still okay to drive...*  I started the engine and drove off to my house.

   Thank god there wasn't many cars out so I got home safely. I got out the car and walked to the door. I tried to find my keys but no where to be found. I'm a little bit tipsy so I double check my bag.
"AHH-HAA~ THER~~ U AR~~~~~~" I sang.
It took me a couple of minutes to stick the key inside the lock. As soon as I unlocked the door, I made my way to the living room and throw myself on the couch. I closed my eyes and fall alseep like a sleeping beauty...


     I slowly open my eyes and realizing I'm sleeping on the couch? I try to pulled my stinky body up as I held my head. *Geezes, I didn't know beer was that strong?*  Then I slowly stand up and head to my room...
     I take a quick shower because I obviously didn't take a shower last night.....
After showered, I went back to my room and I heard a buzz from my phone. I walked over to my bed and grabbed the phone. I saw a message from Sandy:

"Yaa (y/n)! where are you?!"

"Sandy-Unnie chill.. I'm at home wae?"

"Gurl! Do you know what time is it?!"

    I take a look at the time on my phone... I thought I was having a nightmare. "OH SHIIIITTTTT!!!"
I quickly got dressed, grabbed my bag and ran out the house. I got inside the car and drove off.


"(Y/N)!!!! You're like 2 hours late!" Sandy almost yelled.

"Mianhe UNNIE!!!" I cried.

"Yaa, go in and get ready. Good thing the manager is not here yet but soon. Now get your ass moving!!!" She clapped her hands as I rushed myself in to get ready. Good thing the shop isn't as busy yet...
*Later in the day 3pm*

   Our coffee shop is getting busier and busier. I ran like hell and some customers got no patience at all.
"(y/n), you have been running. Switch with me, just take orders for the customers." Sandy said.

"Nae, gomawo unnie~" I replied. We then switched roles and she started to bring the drinks to the customers at their table.
"Next please?" Then a guy came up. *damn boy, you're hot.* I said to myself as I'm waiting fof his order(s). I take a look at his face,
*Hm... he looks familiar?  Where have I seen him??*  I continued to study his face, still couldn't figure it out.

"May I have expres-- OH!" His eyes suddenly widened.

"Excuse me?" I looked at him confused. He then slowly form a slight smirk cracking across his face. I raised one of my eye-brows up as I give him a blank look.

"We meet again...
"Babe~" "

Yes. (Y/N) started dating Baek since the age of 13 until 18, they broke up.
So to the those of you who confused, I hope this helps lol!♡


~vkookjams asf
~jamless dance

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