Bruises - A Sonnet Written by Clinton Jones

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My soul as dark as the nights sky,
My heart bleeds, but I don't die.
Shadows lurk and bad men creep,
I tell myself, "Just go to sleep."
But sleep doesn't come easy to those in pain,
Bruises ache and I feel ashamed.
No one knows the truth that lies,
Behind my misted, deadened eyes.
A boy at school is my light and my dark,
He doesn't know it, but he has my heart.
Bruises come, bruises go,
Still no one truly knows.
Three times I failed, three times I tried,
So here I sit, another tear cried.

A/N: this is just something I wrote while rewriting the first two parts of Loving You Hurts. I've never been very good with poetry, but I feel like this is something that suits Clint quite well. I kept it somewhat vague for a reason, which is that I think it would be odd for Clint to just suddenly say something like, "Hey, I'm abused by my foster parents, and I have a crush on this guy, Dimitri." It just seemed too blunt for Clint, who is much more of the reserved, quiet type.

Let me know what you think.

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