"My father and brother will come for me, and when they do they'll kill you." I spit at him with anger boiling inside me. I might seem strong to him, but in the inside I'm shaking like a little puppy. Terrified of what he might do.  When he only let's out a loud laugh, confusion spread inside me. Isn't he going to hit me or something. Why is he only laughing. He must really be crazy.
" oh darling how cute, you actually think they come for you??" Harry's laugh fills the living room, bouncing off the walls and hitting me in the face. I muster up the courage and reply. "Yes they'll come you watch and see." I point my skinny finger at him. His once emerald eyes, now black.

"Haven't your parents ever told you its rude to point?" Harry's eyebrows raise in amusement. He's enjoying this. I automatically keep my mouth shut. "You'll be staying in my guest room." Harry turned the TV on. He flipped threw a few channels before landing on family guy. God how I hate that show.

"We'll be going over the rules." Harry crossed his muscular arms over his brod chest. My mouth falls open in shock.. Rules he has to be joking. "Rules?"
"Yes rules and if you disobey them then you'll be punished." My eyes Widen at the word punished. What is he going to do to me? "These rules are no talking  back or disobeying me. Don't speak in public unless your spoken too. Don't talk to anyone you don't know. No drinking alcohol or cocking a attitude with me. You will clean this house everyday before I get home from work. And you have to hold my hand in public. And if you try and escape your family dies." Harrys face holds a stern expression.
When Justin said he was cruel he wasn't kidding. This man in front of me makes me sick.

"Do you understand me" his eyes darken again. I quickly nod my head. Dammit kaylie don't let him know your scared. Stop being  weak. "I don't clean." I shrug and smile. The look on his face makes me want to run as fast and as far away from him as I can. "You will, if you want your family alive."
He won't kill my family. If he could he would've already right?

"You wouldn't." I frown as I feel the tears want to escape my eyes but I don't let them. He will not have the honor of seeing me cry.
"Oh but I would Darlin." A sinister smile plays on his lips. How can a man be so heartless? He has everything he can ever ask for. It's doesn't make since. Something made him like this.
I don't speak again after that, I sit and think about my family and shawn. I miss my father and brother so much, I haven't seen them in maybe 2 and half months. I miss staying up all night playing call of duty with ethan. While we eat everything and anything. I even miss how father would come in yelling at us for still being up. I miss everything.  I never thought this would happen. In my eyes my fathers the scariest man alive, why would anyone want to mess with him? Well he was the scariest man alive until I met harry. I look over and see harry staring at the screen. His eyes focused on peter and Brian. I roll my eyes at the sound of the show. I've always hated it, Shawn use to watch it every time he came over. Witch was decreasing threw out time. Oh how I miss him right now.
"Follow me I'll show you to your room, so you can get cleaned up before dinner." He stood from his recliner and turned the TV off. I stood as well and before I could grab my bags he did. I follow him up a huge staircase.
As we make it to the top, I see a long wide hallway. Pictures of harry and some guys hang from the walls. I take notice to how attractive they are, but harry was defiantly the most attractive. I shake the thought from my head.
"You'll be meeting them tomorrow." Harry walked down the hallway to a wooden door. I follow shortly behind. As he opens the door I gasp at the beautiful room before me. A bed with white sheets stands against the cream colored walls. And a nightstand beside the bed, what a lamp on top. There wasn't much in the huge room, but it was gorgeous.
"This will be your bedroom, unless you want to sleep in the basement?" Harry cocked a wicked smile. I let out a groan in annoyance. Of course I'm not going to sleep in the besetment. "This should do." I send him a fake smile. He must've seen right threw it, how could he not? He has to know I despise him.

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