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*time skip*

It's been a month since I met Blake and now we're attached at the hip... not literally but you know what I mean. But he's gotten more weird he's always weird but it's gotten worse when I'm around. I hope he's not developing feelings for me.


I feel weird. It's like I want to hurt her, but I don't. I feel like something is taking over my body, something evil. I don't like it. I don't want to hurt her. What's happening to me?

"Hey Blake." Em said
"Oh hey.." I said unsurly
"Are you ok?" She asked "you've been acting weird a lot lately" she said
"Yeah. I'm fine." I said sighing
"No you're not, Tell me what's wrong." She practically yelled at me.
"Goddammit Ember I'm fine. When I say I'm fine I mean it, got it?" I yelled at her gripping her wrists and almost bruising them. I then realized what I had done and my eyes widened with fear.
She looks at me in shock and fear. Ember backs away from me.
"No, Ember...I'm sor-" I start to say but she cuts me off.
"No. I don't want your lame ass apology. Just stay away from me. I don't want to see you, don't want to talk to you. Don't talk to me. Don't look at me. Just stay away." She yells, and she runs off. "No,Ember wait." But it was to late she was already gone. "Dammit! What's happening to me??" I yell to no one but to myself. I then start to realize that in this month that I've known her. I'm developing feelings for her and if that happens, I become a fallen angel. That hurts an angel and sometimes can kill us. Once an angel falls or dies, everyone will feel it. My kind and human kind, they will all feel it. Once again, some may die.

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