Justin Bieber
Kendall Jenner sorry. he's one of a kind and he's all mine.
13 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍5

Niall Horan
Zayn is a cutayyyyyyyyyy.
10 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍3

Liam Payne
^ with no butayyyyyyyy
10 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍3

Liam Payne
but it's okay cause he's still a cutayyyyyyyy
9 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍4

Justin Bieber
Liam Payne those skinny jeans may not give much away, but trust me, my baby's got plenty of booty ;)
8 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍7

Lucky B Smith
^ tbh
8 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍3

Justin Bieber
Lucky B Smith um, excuse me sir, i do not appreciate you commenting on my boyfriend's assets.
6 minutes ago • Like • 👍5

Harry Styles
👏 FUUUCK 👏 ME 👏 UP 👏 DADDY 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
5 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍10

Adriana Lorence
What Harry said. 😻😻😻😻😻
5 minutes ago • Like • 👍1

Katniss Everdeen
He's so cute, woah look at his eyes
5 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍3

Nina Bieber
4 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍5

Zayn Malik
Nina Bieber I'm gay and dating your brother.
4 minutes ago • Like • 👍2

Nina Bieber
screw justin im the better bieber
4 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍1

Louis Tomilinson
this pic is worth fapping 2
3 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍14

Justin Bieber
wtf why is everyone suddenly all over zayn? get out of here before i take the picture down
2 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍1

Zayn Malik
You brought this upon yourself, babe.
53 seconds ago • Like


Zayn's leg was bouncing rapidly as he watched the outside world zoom pass the car.

To say he was nervous would be an understatement, the understatement of the year if he was being honest.

He and Justin were going on their first date after a month of being together and he wasn't sure how to take it.

Zayn knew he shouldn't have been this nervous about it because after all, it's just Justin, the same guy who's seen him in his most horrid state when he wakes up in the morning, the same guy who's experienced some of his most embarrassing moments with him, the same guy he's gotten comfortable around in their past few months together.

It was just a date. They've been in more serious situations, but it was their first date. Anything could go wrong. Everything could go wrong and Zayn did not want that.

He chanced a look at Justin who had his eyes focused on the road up until that moment. The moment he felt Zayn staring, Justin glanced at him for a split second and gave him an easy smile. "What's on your mind?"

The DUFF (Zustin Mieber AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang