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End · New beginning · Loss · Dramatic change · Destruction

Death is indicative of change in your future. This change can be in almost any aspect of your life, but it will almost certainly be permanent, significant, and absolute. Death suggests a complete severance between the past and the future, and it will likely be painful. Despite the sense of loss that may accompany it, Death fills an important and natural role in life, and leads eventually to acceptance. It is a necessary part of moving forward, and you will find the changes easiest if you embrace them, rather than fight them. Expect the end of a close friendship, a job, a marriage, or even a life, but do not focus too greatly on the negative.

You have moved into a new phase of life. All things change with time, and your path through this world is no different.

A major event is approaching and will arrive suddenly. You will lose something valuable.

To move forward, develop a new perspective on the world. The past is behind you and the rest of your life is still ahead of you, so continue the journey with all your heart.

Yes / No Key Interpretation
The Death card shows some sort of dramatic change in order to have a new beginning. It is often associated with some sort of loss, failure, or destruction. The overall tone of this card is dark and not good. Thus, your answer is no.

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