Chapter Eight

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Wait for the song until I tell you to play it please xD



I was in the kitchen making pancakes while Delirious was grabbing something from his room. I heard someone coming down the stairs and walking into the kitchen I looked back to see Delirious with a tiny speaker and his phone.

''What are you doing?''

''I wanna listen to music'' he smiled

''ok''I laughed while going back to cooking the pancakes

Delirious turned on the speaker and looked at his phone to play his finger on the play button and when the song started I knew what it was when the song started Delirious started singing

(Play song) (Just saying this is like LONG so It's like half of them song xD)

''My friends Don't walk they run''

''Skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun''

''Popping, popping balloons with guns''

''Getting high off helium''

''We paint white roses red''

''Each shade from a different person's head''

''This dream, dream is a killer''

''Getting drunk with a blue caterpillar''

I started singing

''I'm peeling the skin off my face''

''Case I really hate being safe''

''The normals, they make me afraid''

''The crazies. they make me feel insane''

I stopped for Delirious

''I'm nuts''

''Baby i'm mad'' (both of them)

''The craziest friend''

''That you're ever had'' (both)

''You think i'm psycho''

''You think i'm gone'' (both)

''Tell the Psychiatrist''

''Something is wrong'' (both)

''Over the bend''

''Entirely bonkers'' (both)

''you like me best''

''When i'm off my rocker'' (both)

''Tell you a secret''

''I'm not alarmed'' (both)

''So what if i'm crazy''

''The best people are'' (both)

I looked into delirious eyes to see him having a lot of fun singing with me we both started laughing but delirious had his little Psycho laugh while I had my normal one we both stopped laughing to start singing again.

''All the best people are crazy'' (both)

''All the best people are'' (both)

''Wheres is my prescription''

''Docter, Doctor please listen''

''My brain is scattered''

''You can be Alice''

''I'll be the mad hatter''

''I'm peeling the skin off my face'' (Evan)

''Cause I really hate being safe'' (Evan)

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