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Flashback 2 years ago. - Saturday.

The elder boy grabbed the younger's wrist pulling him back in the house.

"What did I tell you?! Don't go outside past 7:00 Taehyung!!"

"You don't own me!! So why should you care? Your not my Mom or my Dad!! Leave me alone Seokjin!"

Seokjin stepped back. Taehyung yelled at him. His own brother, mad at him for what. Trying to protect him.

"Tae! There are monsters that roam the street at this time! For your flesh! Please come back inside!"

Taehyung looked at Seokjin in disbelief. Monsters? Taehyung chuckled at the thought of a monster existing. He pulled his wrist out of Seokjin's grip and stared at him.

"Make me!"

Taehyung ran into the darkness into which Seokjin could no longer see him. He began to panic so he ran after him hoping for the younger to be alive.

Taehyung trudged through the brown leaves. It was fall. He hated this season. The time everything went red. Just like his parents did. He stopped as soon as he heard a yell for help. Why did it sound like Seokjin??

Taehyung ran until he reached Seokjin who by now was on the floor with a small boy on top of him looking younger than Taehyung.


Seokjin saw Taehyung and then it happened.

The blood peeled down the oldest boy's chest no sign of breathing his eyes dead wide tears staining his face. The small boy had looked at Taehyung. Eyes showing a monotone look as the blood on his teeth ran down his chin.

Taehyung cried as he collapsed to the floor in pain and agony. He didn't notice the small boy approaching him and kneeling in front of him.

"I'm sorry..."

The small boy choked. Taehyung looked up to see the boy with wide eyes tears streaming down his own face. Taehyung was confused. Why was he crying? What right did he have?!

"I can't control it!!"

The small boy hid his face shuffling away from Taehyung. He look at the boy with anger and sadness.

"I'm a monster!! I eat my own kind!"

With no more words the small boy stood up and ran away leaving a lifeless eaten corpse and a broken boy alone.

Taehyung slowly stood up leaving Seokjin in the dead cold as he walked the way home. The memory stuck with him like glue. He could erase the image of Seokjin lying there lifeless with that thing eating away at him.

Taehyung made a vow. He swore he'll find that boy again.

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