I rolled my eyes, sucking on his neck and cupping him through his pants. He tried to stop me but I squeezed his dick.

"I'm a grown add woman. I know what I want and I want you Reko. I'm tired of tiptoeing around you or playing games. We can fuck without any hard feelings when its over." I said.

He simply nodded.

I glanced at the clock on the wall. 6:53 pm. We had definitely used up those minutes. I backed away pulling the rollers out of my hair and sliding into my dress. I kept my face expressionless as I asked, "Zip me up ?"

"You are such a fucking tease. You are so evil."

 I grabbed his throat. "If we fuck, it's exclusive." I pointed at his d*ck. "That's mine until we break it off, okay?" He nodded and I kissed him. "Definitely mine." I walked back into the bathroom to touch up my make up. The look on his face was hilarious.

"I promise I'm not crazy, but I was serious about you being mine."

"Good, I feel the same."

He led me down the steps and into the ballroom where everyone waited. It was candle lit and deathly silent. I was about to freak until I saw Emilee dressed similarly as me and Dante was leading her to a middle table where two gold boxes were.

He led me to the same table. We both gave each other half smiles in greeting unsure if we could speak. We both were standing in front of the table on opposite sides until they both pulled out our chairs and we sat in front of the two boxes.

We're both seated and anxious at the table. There is wine. Reko speaks, "Open the box." There is a gun and a knife in front of me inside the box. The gun was a .40 and the knife was what we would call a dagger. Reko motions us up and we say some words in Italian. Then Reko pricks my finger with a pin and squeezes until the blood comes out. Then does the same with Emilee. What then happens, Reko says, 'This blood means that we are now one Family. You live by the gun and the knife and you die by the gun and the knife.'"

Suddenly an older verison of Reko is in front of me and I'm official meeting "the family" I'm scared.

I can tell that Emilee is scared too.

The man speaks, "This drop of blood symbolizes your birth into our family, we are one until death."

He hands me a huge antique golden cup filled with red liquid. I look at Dante in alarm then Reko and at both of their reassuing nods, I drink. Its wine. I see the relieved look reflected into Emilee's face.

The ceremony is finished with a kiss administered to both cheeks of the new mafiosi by Reko and his father.

"In the past, to complete the induction process, the potential member was to kill someone, though I however never saw the point in killing unnessarily, under my son, the practice was banned." I could kiss Reko. He wasn't a monster, he wasn't and nobody could tell me otherwise, ever.

"Rule number 1. Be loyal to members of the organization. Do not interfere with each other's interest. Do not be an informer....

2. Be rational. Be a member of the team. Don't engage in battle if you can't win....The directive extends to personal life.

3. Be a man of honor. Respect womanhood, er manhood then, and your elders. Don't rock the boat....

4. Be a stand-up guy, er woman. Keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut. Don't sell out....The 'stand-up guy' (woman) shows courage and 'heart.' He (she) does not whine or complain in the face of adversity, including punishment, because 'If you can't pay, don't play.'

5. Have class. Be independent. Know your way around the world."

Reko also instructed at the ceremony to not let this whole thing inflate our egos and change us. The mafia wanted us for who we were when we were chosen; humility is implied. I had nothing but respect for this man. "What I have to say next is originally for the men but I must say this reguardless,"You must never betray any of the secrets of this Cosa Nostra. You must never violate the wife (husband) or children of another member. You must never become involved with the narcotics."

He also explained that you do not mess around with sisters (brothers), wives (husbands), or girlfriends (boyfriends), unless you have "honorable" intentions. I believed Reko blushed but since it was so dark, I wasn't sure.

People not of the Mafia were introduced as "a friend of mine". Members were referred to as "A friend of ours." Never were they allowed to say who they were in an introduction, except in particular circumstances. When introduced, members no longer follow the tradition of kissing, because it attracted too much attention from authorities.

Reko motioned towards the boxes. "Keep one of them with you whenever outside the circuit. We have people in the police force just in case some pop off."

I had the strongest urge to laugh cuz he had sounded black but I didn't dare.

The men all around Reko begun introducing themselves and kissing us on our cheeks.

Antonio stepped foward. "I'm Antonio." He kissed my cheeks and Emilee's followed by Dante, Lucca, Matteo, Enzo, Santino, Dino, Angelo, & Arlo. Then Reko kissed both of our cheeks and said, "Welcome to the family."

There. It was done.

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