"So Korra-".

She was cut off as she heard the door opening. Both of them turned to see Asami's father walk in.

"Dad", Asami said, surprised to see her dad come to her room for once.

Asami looked at Korra was bowed lowly.

"Your Majesty", she said.

Hiroshi paid no attention to Korra.

"Asami", he said. "Come now. Prince Iroh is here".

Asami mentally rolled her eyes. She kept her mouth shut to avoid an argument this early in the morning.


Hiroshi looked at Korra. He gave her a nasty look.

"What are you looking at??", he snapped. "Make yourself useful and go sweep and scrub the floor in the hall".

Asami was appalled. She was watched Korra's face turn to slight fear.

"I'm sorry. Right away, your Majesty".

Korra scurried out in the hallway, closing the door behind her.

Asami looked at her dad.

"Don't talk to her that way", she said. "She didn't deserve that".

Hiroshi looked at her with a careless yet hard expression.

"She is just a servant. I can say what I want to her, Asami and so can you. She'll live. Now C'mon. Iroh is waiting".

Asami nodded. She and her dad walked out of the room. Asami mentally groaned.

This was not going to be fun.

Asami resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She nodded in fake interest as Iroh told his story.

Iroh grinned. "Everyone came to congratulate me. It was great".

"Impressive", Asami lied.

The two had just come back from their lunch meal outside. Asami spent most of the day listening to his interesting stories and jokes. Iroh was sweet and quite a gentleman. But Asami would rather be outside in her pegasus or laying on the grass.

Now they were wandering the halls, talking.

Iroh sighed in content. "Yes. But enough about me. Tell me about you".

Asami smiled. "Well. I love to be outside, going for a ride with my friends. I love to read so I'd probably be reading up on history or reading an adventure book.

Iroh smiled. "You like adventure??".

Asami nodded. "I love the outdoors and getting my hands dirty".



Asami frowned. "You're not into that kind of thing??", she asked.

Iroh shook his head. "Not really. I'm more of a indoor, clean fellow".

Asami knew it. They couldn't click. She knew it wouldn't work out.

"There's nothing wrong with that".

Asami looked ahead. She smiled when she saw Korra. The girl was scrubbing the floor.

When they neared her, Iroh looked at Asami.

"I didn't know you had servants", he said.

Asami nodded.

Iroh stopped and looked down at Korra. Korra wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. Her clothes and hands were dirty from working. Asami could only guess what chores Korra had done while they were gone.

The Princess and The Servant Where stories live. Discover now