Chapter 5: Enter the Hexa Twins

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As soon as Jared heard Eleanor's name called he tried as hard as he could to force a smile on his face as she nervously glanced his way and walked on stage. When she made her way up the stairs an oddly comforting thought struck him, Jared knew Emerson would, without a doubt, make Hero but if Eleanor somehow failed and got Sidekicked then he wouldn't be left totally alone in the loser track.

Guilt struck through his whole body as soon as the thought crossed his mind, though he only met Eleanor just a few minutes ago she was proving to be a nice, quiet girl and potentially a good friend. Wishing failure on your friends was just wrong and Jared knew that. Good luck, Jared thought to himself as if to counteract his negative thought.

"Alright, Girlie, what ya got?" Coach Boomer asked once again.

"Well so far I've got super strength, Sir", Eleanor replied meekly.

"Super strength huh? Car!" Immediately after the Coach spoke a battered old car came falling from the ceiling somehow and landed directly on Eleanor. When the car reached the ground a wind kicked up forcing Jared to look away, but when he looked back what he saw made his jaw drop.

Up onstage stood quiet, shy, little Eleanor holding the car over her head with both hands, she seemed flustered but picking up cars might do that to someone. Then a cable attached to the car snapped tight and pulled it back up to the ceiling as if it were never there.


Eleanor happily hurried down the steps and rushed to Jared with an excited smile on her face. As soon as she reached Jared he smiled back genuinely and held up his hand for a high five. Eleanor promptly ignored it instead going in for a tight hug, Jared stayed still, surprised by the embrace and then hugged her back.

Luckily no one noticed as the Coach called out the next name.

Two teens stepped out of the crowd, both wore an assortment of black or dark clothes with silver jewelry, the guy seemed to even be wearing some eyeliner and the girl had black lipstick and both were pale as a shut-in gamer with the newest GTA game.

"Which one?" The guy asked.

Coach Boomer quickly looked at his clipboard, "Lillian Hexa, front and center".

The girl swiftly stepped onto the stage, when Boomer gave her a narrow eyed look.

"Say, you wouldn't happen to be related to Helena Hexa, one of the only heroes to not have a secret identity, by any chance?" Coach asked, his tone said he knew the answer.

"Yep, that's right. Mommy dearest".

"I see. Well, Ms. Hexa, what have you got for us?"


"Come again?" The Coach asked.

"I inherited my mother's affinity for using and controlling magic".

"Yeah right, Girlie. I don't care what your Mom told you, magic ain't real so just show me what you got".

Lillian's jaw visibly locked as she went to work using her power, she spoke as she worked.

"Because I'm not as experienced as my Mother I don't have quick access to as many spells but I have one prepared for today".

She dug into her pocket fishing out a small sack and a folded piece of paper, she dumped the sack's contents into her right hand and unfolded the paper in her left.

"Surge, et vento certamen!"

Lillian threw up her right hand letting loose dust into the air, as soon as it was released the dust moved unnaturally, spiralling quickly turning into a miniature tornado. Coach Boomer clapped his hand over his hat to keep it in place.

"Enough!" The Coach shouted.
Lillian closed her right hand and the wind died as quickly as it came.

"Magic doesn't exist huh?" Asked Lillian sarcastically with a smirk.

"Sidekick", Boomer replied.

Lillian's jaw dropped, "Did you not see what I just did!?"

"What I saw is a Goth Girl take a full 30 seconds to use her power with the aid of words she needed written on paper and some magic pixie dust. I'm guessing that's the fastest you've ever done a spell huh, Girlie?"

Lillian's angry silence answered his question. "30 seconds of helplessness is unacceptable for a hero. Sidekick".

Lillian angrily stomped off back into the crowd, her brother gave her a reassuring shoulder squeeze as he went ahead on stage.

"I'm next: Maxwell Hexa", he said.

"Great", Coach Boomer said sarcastically, "Another magician".

"Not quite, unlike my twin sister and my mom I can't use magic. I sort of am magic". Maxwell's whole body began to fade literally out of existence until he was hardly visible almost like a ghost.

While the rest of the group took on shocked faces only Lillian and Coach Boomer seemed unsurprised.
"Intangibility? Nice, fire!" Suddenly a tennis ball shot out of one of the walls straight at Maxwell, and straight through him. The ball just passed through undisturbed.

"Ok, now catch this, Casper", Coach lightly tossed a pen from his pocket and Maxwell caught it with ease.
"Intangible to dodge, tangible to fight. Hero!"

Max walked off with his sister who now had her arms crossed with an expression that dared anyone to talk to her.

Jared and Eleanor were in awe of the Hexa twins so much so that they couldn't help but approach them as the Coach went on with each student.

"Wow, you guys were just . . . wow", Eleanor gushed in a whisper.

"Thanks, I was pretty nervous", Maxwell replied with a smile.

"Yeah well, not all of us did so well", Lillian interrupted.

"Maybe", started Jared," but you definitely should've been made hero".

Lillian's expression softened a bit when she replied, "Thanks, you too".

"Emerson Lee!"

At the sound of his best friend's name Jared's attention shifted back to the stage.

Emerson went up stage and showed his stuff. After hearing Emerson had Laser Eyes Coach Boomer pressed a button that released three targets at different distances. Emerson focused on the closest and shot his beam quick, knocking the target down.

Next was a target a little further away so this time he shot with high power to make up for the distance and just barely knocked it off. The last target was all the way across the Gym in front of the window. Emerson had never even attempted a shot that far, in order to hit it he forced out as much energy through his eyes.

His beam hit the target it but also broke the window and scarred the wall as Emerson tried to control that much power. He shut his eyes until they were under control and when he opened them he saw Coach Boomer writing on his clipboard.

"Hero, Superstar!"
Emerson left the stage with a grin on his face.

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