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19 BBY~

When Jade woke up, she was completely dazed. Obi-wan sat leaning over her hospital bed, multiple medical droids rushing around. Jade sat up quickly, not realizing that her forearm was completely mechanical, connecting into her nerves so she could move it around and feel. Obi-wan quickly put his hand on her shoulder, "Be careful, you're on a lot of drugs."

Jade nodded, all the memories of a few hours ago coming back to her and she looked down at her forearm, then mechanical whirring going on when she moved her metal fingers. Her jaw dropped sadly and Obi-wan felt sad for her, watching her expression. Jade looked back up at Obi-wan, "Is Padmé okay?" Jade asked, not thinking about herself, or Anakin.

Obi-wan pressed his lips together, "It's hard to tell, I just came to check on you but I'm heading back to her room soon. She went into labor as soon as she got back," he explained.

Jade nodded, "I'll come with you," she began to stand up, with the help of Obi-wan.

Dizziness took over and Jade stopped moving for a moment, waiting for her vision to be clear again. She let go of Obi-wan and they began walking out of the room and down the hospital hall.

They came to a very large window that was peering into a room with just a table in the middle, Senator Organa was there as well, Yoda too. Padmé was there lying on it. A medical droid came up and explained the situation to Obi-wan and Jade.

"Medically, she is perfectly healthy," the droid spoke, pausing as Obi-wan and Jade both knew there was more to it, "but she has lost the will to live. We must operate quickly if we are to save the babies."

"Babies?" Senator Organa asked as Jade's jaw almost dropped.

"She's carrying twins," the droids explained before floating back into the medical room.

Obi-wan walked to the corner window silently as Yoda and Senator Organa began to speak. Jade followed him soon after when she realized she wasn't much interested in Yoda and Bail's conversation.

"Obi-wan," Jade began, crossing her arms and feeling the metal brush against her skin as her arms rest upon each other. "These children, what are we going to do with them? As of now, they will be the only force-sensitive children in the galaxy at the moment. Powerful ones at that."

Obi-wan's head twisted towards Jade, "Did you know? About Anakin and Padmé?"

Jade watched as Obi-wan took his hand off his mouth and looked at her deeply. Almost begging her to tell him that she didn't know, that she wasn't part of the lie. Jade only nodded, "Yes, I knew," she said, turning back to the window.

"For how long?" Obi-wan asked before his voice turned deeper, "how long were you lying to me?" 

Jade had never seen or heard Obi-wan be this emotional, this sad, and it caused her pain. Jade didn't look at him, refusing to face the truth. "Since the second battle of Geonosis."

Obi-wan was about to speak again when the medical droid came back into the hall, "we are starting the operation," and went back in.

Obi-wan and Jade both began to walk but Obi-wan grabbed Jade's arm and held her back gently, "you stay here, I'll go."

Jade knew it was best not to argue with him and she only turned back to the window and watched as Obi-wan went over to Padmé and smiled down at her comfortingly. Jade turned away when Padmé screamed for a moment, turning back when the droid held out a baby, saying it was a boy. 

It was Padmé turn to name the baby and when she lowly said the name, "Luke", Jade stumbled, flashes of visions coming into her head.

There was a small boy and a small girl playing together in a sandy desert, laughing and enjoying their time. The vision flashed again and it showed the little girl next to Jade and Obi-wan, and it flashed again and the boy was standing alone, only the shadows of two unknown figures standing behind him. 

Then it flashed again and Jade saw a duel between a blue and red lightsaber on a walkway in midair taking place. 

Then she came to and Bail Organa rushed over to assist Jade in standing, "Are you alright?"

Jade nodded and turned towards the window, Obi-wan was paying no attention to Padmé, his eyes on Jade. When Jade looked back at him, he looked back at Padmé and had a look of realization. 

The droid came out with another baby and said it was a girl, Jade got ready for it this time. Padmé said another name, "Leia", and Jade saw visions again.

It flashed to a young woman being handed a small chip by a soldier as the ship she was on was in panic mode. The ship went into hyperspace and it flashed again, showing a planet being blown up, causing Jade to actually fall this time, she hit the ground as screams rang out and suddenly everything was silent. 

Bail Organa once again rushed over and helped Jade off the ground. Jade then rushed into the room as Padmé began breathing heavily, Jade knew something was wrong. "Obi-wan," Padmé whispered in between breaths, "there's good in him, I know, I know there is, still."

Jade got there as Padmé took her last breath and Obi-wan stood tall, holding baby Luke in his arms, a completely heartbroken look on his face. Jade looked up at him and felt the heartbreak in the room, Yoda was even sad at the fact Padmé was dead.


Obi-wan, Jade, Senator Organa and Master Yoda all sat around a table on a transport ship to Naboo to deliver Padmé's body to her family. Jade was rather quiet as they discussed the fate of the children.

"They must be kept hidden, safe," Master Yoda said, the rest of them agreeing.

"They must be kept somewhere where the Sith won't sense their presence," Obi-wan said, Jade and AMster Yoda nodded in agreement.

"Hm, split up, they should be," Master Yoda said causing Jade's head to lower at the thought.

Bail Organa spoke, "My wife and I will take the girl, we've always talked of adopting a baby girl, she will be loved with us."

"And what of the boy?" Obi-wan asked and the room went silent.

Jade finally spoke, her voice slightly raspy, "Anakin has a step-brother on Tattooine, we can take Luke there to his aunt and uncle, I'll watch over him."

Master Yoda nodded and Obi-wan spoke as well, "I'll go with you,"

Master Yoda looked uneasy at them, the thought of Jade and Obi-wan living together in hiding. Obi-wan, Jade and Bail Organa stood up and Master Yoda spoke to him, "Until the time is right, watch over him, we will,"

Jade and Obi-wan were about to leave as well when Yoda stopped them, "Master Kenobi, Master Terrano, wait a moment."

Obi-wan and Jade sat down again as Master Yoda spoke, "In your solitude on Tattooine, training I have for you."

"Training?" Obi-wan asked and Jade suddenly knew what he was talking about.

"An old friend as learnt the path to immortality, one who has returned from the Netherworld of the Force, your old master."

"Qui-gon?" Obi-wan asked.

"To commune with him, I will teach you," Master Yoda said.


Jade and Obi-wan were soon on Tattooine, delivering the baby to his aunt and uncle. Obi-wan was carrying Luke, his cloak surround him and the baby as he walked up to his new aunt.

Obi-wan handed the baby over and his aunt smiled at Obi-wan, the sunsets behind them. Obi-wan and Jade soon walked away and Jade felt a small moment of happiness. Happiness that the Sith were not and never will be able to completely destroy the Jedi because the hope for a better galaxy will always be there.

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